Fire Eeal And Senegal Bichir


Fish Herder
Aug 31, 2005
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Hi, I am looking to buy a Fire Eel for my 180gal. Just wondering on compatibility really. Is it going to be ok with a Senegal Bichir, not totally sure if when fully grown it could eat it. Also a L201 plec, which will probably max out at about 7" more likely 6". Anyone got experiences with these?

Thanks Vinny
I don't think that the fire eel is going to pose too much of a problem to the bichir, for predation reasons, but I would be worried about the general compatibility between the two. If you do go with them together, make sure that both is able to get food before the other. They are both competing on the same level and you wouldn't want one being more dominant than the other!

I would be worried about putting the plec in with these two, as some are prone to suck on bichir's slime coats and I don't think they would hesitate to try with the eel. Maybe steering away from plecos and trying other catfish would be a better choice. You could always try it for a while and see how it goes, but I wouldn't take the risk with my fish, imo.
Thanks for the advice. The Plec has been in with the Bichir for about 3 months now. I knew about the slime and have been keeping an eye on it. Not noticed a thing though, they just ignore each other. I had a Bristlenose in with a Bichir for about a year and never had any problems there either, although I do know each case is different so am keepin a close eye on it.

As most people in here keep tankbusters I will ask my other stocking questions. My tank is ordered as we smashed the recently purchased one off e-bay getting it out the guys house. He knocked £70 off an as I was getting a stand, hood, filters, fish, heaters and other stuff I decided to give him the £130 and dump the tank and buy a new one. I got £145 credit for the fish from his tank (more than I paid for the lot) and my new tank has cost £215 brand new, not a bad deal in all, plus what I get for my 90gal.

Anyway, sorry, back to the question, I am after a Fire Eel, although this is not a must if I am going to be overstocked with it, the stocking would be;

1x Electric Blue Jack Dempsey
1x Gold Saum (False Green Terror)
1x Senegal Bichir
1x Striped Anistonus
1x L201 Plec
3x Clown Loach
4x Tinfoil Barbs
These are already in my 90gal waiting to be transfered over, I would really like to put a Lima Shovelnose and some kind of Dat in there too. I know this may be pushing the stocking, along with a fire Eel, what are peoples thoughts? I haven't stocked a tank this size before so not totally certain.

Sorry for rambling, thanks for any replies in advance. I will deffo be adding photos when I get it
Ah, sounds like your dream tank is coming true. :)

I would go with the following stocking (also talked about in your other post about limas ;)):

1 x datnoid of your choice
4-5 x limas
1 x anostomus
4 x tinfoils
3 + more x clown loaches
1 x 201 plec
1 x bichir
and the two cichlids, if you really want to hold onto them.

IMO, a dat looks awesome on its own, with other fish to compliment it, like the tinfoils. But, if you are for the cichlids, then go for it. You might have to get rid of the anostomus one day, as they can be fin nippers and general sneaky fish. Are you keeping other tanks besides this one? The bichir might not be able to compete well with the large groups of mid-level and bottom feeders. If you are keeping a smaller tank, the bichir may be better suited for that.

I would lose the fire eel, too, as they may not be good at competing, as the bichirs are.
just thought I'd add..
i never had any problem keeping my fire eel with all my bichirs.
the only issue can at feeding time, the bichirs are so slow in comparison
ensuring they got food was problematic at first but I found the fire eel didn't like
hikari massivour delite but the bichirs loved it.
i'd agree with wolf. i dont see anything that could come up with the two. fire eels would take live/frozen food but not processed ones. carnivore pellets isnt something eels take so you dont have to worry about the food competition for the bichir with the eel. what you might want to look out for is that all the food may be taken away from the bichir from other fast moving well sighted fishes.
Thanks for all the advice, yeah finally gettin my dream tank, although would already have it if it hadnt been dropped on Sunday:( Got about 2 weeks to wait now for my order to turn up. I still have a 62 gallon set up with a hardy community, Tiger barbs, 2 Parrots an a RTBS so if it didnt work the Bichir would be good in there. I think the Dat is the main fish wanted here, although definately dont want to get rid of the EBJD an Gold Saum, been after them for ages. Vital time for my EBJD, he is about 2" now, had him for about 3 months an he is just starting to blacken out, if he gets through this next couple of months he should be fine. You really think that 4/5 Limas are ok in there? Better start using my powers of persuation on the missuss if so:)
sounds like you are going for my type of fish. I have a 22"fire eel with two 7/8" long bichirs, neither bother either....I also have a EBJD as well as a normal one, plus plenty of other fish too.

both love bloodworms/prawns etc but to be honest, I think its whatever they get used too, as my fire eel only wants to eat bloodworm.

Heres vid of them....

Wow, thats a tank, nearly got an 8x2x2 from ebay a couple of weeks ago, just missed out, went for 245 an I was in work so couldnt up it. I reckon I would have had some monsters in there, as it is, stuck with my midgey 6x2x2. I feed my tank on a mixed bag (from asda) of Prawns, Mussels, and Squid, seems to hit the spot. Occassionally they get blood worms, cichlid pellets and Peas or Cucumber. Think that covers everybody in there.

The mixed bag is actually quite good as everything sinks to the bottom pretty quickly, helping my Bichir get his share, presumably it will be the same for the Eel. Although your one looks like he makes sure he gets his fill by gettin it before it hits the water.
the fire eel is relentless when it comes to food. he darts it where ever you place food and keeps coming back until you stop. i have seen him going for 4 cubes of bloodworms one after each other - you have to be careful though as I am sure they would eat till they die lol - seriously, minds around 22" at present and quite bulky

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