Thanks for the advice. The Plec has been in with the Bichir for about 3 months now. I knew about the slime and have been keeping an eye on it. Not noticed a thing though, they just ignore each other. I had a Bristlenose in with a Bichir for about a year and never had any problems there either, although I do know each case is different so am keepin a close eye on it.
As most people in here keep tankbusters I will ask my other stocking questions. My tank is ordered as we smashed the recently purchased one off e-bay getting it out the guys house. He knocked £70 off an as I was getting a stand, hood, filters, fish, heaters and other stuff I decided to give him the £130 and dump the tank and buy a new one. I got £145 credit for the fish from his tank (more than I paid for the lot) and my new tank has cost £215 brand new, not a bad deal in all, plus what I get for my 90gal.
Anyway, sorry, back to the question, I am after a Fire Eel, although this is not a must if I am going to be overstocked with it, the stocking would be;
1x Electric Blue Jack Dempsey
1x Gold Saum (False Green Terror)
1x Senegal Bichir
1x Striped Anistonus
1x L201 Plec
3x Clown Loach
4x Tinfoil Barbs
These are already in my 90gal waiting to be transfered over, I would really like to put a Lima Shovelnose and some kind of Dat in there too. I know this may be pushing the stocking, along with a fire Eel, what are peoples thoughts? I haven't stocked a tank this size before so not totally certain.
Sorry for rambling, thanks for any replies in advance. I will deffo be adding photos when I get it