Fire Belly Newt


Fish Addict
Feb 24, 2008
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my 13 to 14 year old newt is bloated all of the sudden and i'm not sure why.i haven't changed anything except i cut back feedings in that tank when i noticed him getting bigger.he is still acting the same but he looks like he could explode at anytime.not sure what to do.
What kind of fire belly?

The best thing for bloat I believe is to fridge them.

Join up to caudata (link in my footer) as it's a site dedicated to newts and salamanders; they will be able to give you the best specific advice.

Is it just his belly that is getting bigger or is his chin expanding too?
i not sure if he is a chinese or a japanese.i have researched this guy numerous times and he doesn't fit anything i've read about fire bellys.he lives totally underwater,he occasionally goes up for air but it's pretty rare.his chin is bloated too.
He may be an alpine, a warty newt etc...(they are all often sold are fire bellies). Go to and they can advise you better about bloat (if you don't do anything it'll kill him). Caudata have lots of care sheets too (I'd also maybe post a before and after picture of him) so he can be identified and that his bloat can be seen.

How long is he?
I suggest Caudata too and post a pciture. I dont feed my 12 year old newt pellets, only live and frozen foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and earthworms. because pellets now seem to include plant matter in them, and thats bad for newts I heard since they dont digest plant matter cause their carnivores.
It could be bloat disease if the throat is swollen, if it was just the belly it could have only been a female with eggs, but could be something else due to the newts age mabye.

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