When I got my newt he was like yours. small, all bones, and would refuse to go in the water.
What I did was for feeding each day first week was I put him in a critter keeper by himself and the water was shallow, just enough to cover his body. Nothing was in the tank but him and water. I then placed live blackworms in the tank, left him alone for an hour, and when I came back he had eaten a few of them enough he wasnt starving. I did this for a week (same for you but do this for all your newts just make sure when you feed them they are alone in the critter keeper so no competition) After a week if they all have eaten well each day you can jsut drop in live food and frozen bloodworms in the tank and they should learn to eat and search for food. Just watch that everyone gets enough, the bigger ones may push away the little newts.
This may seem a bit extreme, but they can die very quickly especially since how they have been mistreated and stressed and need all the help they can get. If they live you can have them for another 25 years if your lucky! I've had mine for 12 years and he is going strong and is very healthy! You can see him here- http
I feed him live earthworms and blackworms. And frozen bloodworms,daphnia,and brine shrimp. He used to eat live baby crickets, but as he aged could not catch them so stopped feeding those. Pellets are ok once in a while but they really like live food!
Only thing about your setup if they shed is the wood rough enough to help them shed the old skin? And yes they are used to cool water, mine lives in my basement and it can get as low as 40 F sometimes in Winter! But he loves it apparently hates warm water.
What I did was for feeding each day first week was I put him in a critter keeper by himself and the water was shallow, just enough to cover his body. Nothing was in the tank but him and water. I then placed live blackworms in the tank, left him alone for an hour, and when I came back he had eaten a few of them enough he wasnt starving. I did this for a week (same for you but do this for all your newts just make sure when you feed them they are alone in the critter keeper so no competition) After a week if they all have eaten well each day you can jsut drop in live food and frozen bloodworms in the tank and they should learn to eat and search for food. Just watch that everyone gets enough, the bigger ones may push away the little newts.
This may seem a bit extreme, but they can die very quickly especially since how they have been mistreated and stressed and need all the help they can get. If they live you can have them for another 25 years if your lucky! I've had mine for 12 years and he is going strong and is very healthy! You can see him here- http

I feed him live earthworms and blackworms. And frozen bloodworms,daphnia,and brine shrimp. He used to eat live baby crickets, but as he aged could not catch them so stopped feeding those. Pellets are ok once in a while but they really like live food!
Only thing about your setup if they shed is the wood rough enough to help them shed the old skin? And yes they are used to cool water, mine lives in my basement and it can get as low as 40 F sometimes in Winter! But he loves it apparently hates warm water.