Fire Bellied Newt

Yeah a heat mat in the winter, and a fan in the summer. By fan I just mean a regular 6" fan. I read that they eat a lot of freeze dried food. I would say to feed them every other day, or every two days. I.E. Monday Thursay Saturday. Or Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. I also read where you have to kinda make a feeding schedule that fits the newt. Like if you think that you are under feeding, then feed more, and visa versa. For the toads a dozen crickets a week is sufficent, so the equivelent to 3-4 crickets a day, depending o the feeding plan. Just the equievent to 3-4 crickts, they don't really have to be the crickets with the newts.
yes my mum agreed to it i just need to get the money now. but she still wont let me have frozen food so im going to need to find some other foods for it
I don't know about a pair and breeding times. I am sure you don't want to be overrun with newts, but two would be fine. It does not have to be a pair of newts, just the most healthy ones in the tank. I am not sure on makeing the tank and how much it would cost, but you might be able to find a new 7-8g tank. I think it would be a lot eaiser. People pay to have tanks made, If it was really easy, then everyone would be making their own tanks, I kind of get the impression that is not the easyest thing in the world to do. Maybe I'm wrong, But I would go on the route of buying one. What about the betta breeding project? Are you still going along with that, or did you kind of throw it in the trash?

Don't mean to be cruel but if you don't know, don't reply..... Fire bellied toads and fire bellied newts are only linked by their colouration and poisonous tendency which gives them there name not by their character. Tanks are very easy to make especially small tanks where bracings are not required. 5 squares of glass tape together then follow the seams internally with the silicone gun, once that layer has dried take off the tape and reinforce the corners with additional silicone, fill with water to test for leaks and seal them. Charts stating what thickness of glass is reccomended for different tank sizes.
i was thinking of making the tank about 40 by 30 by 25cm so how think glass would that need?
and do you know what sorts of things i can feed them?

I have no personal experience with fire bellied newts although I have considered getting them so read a wide range of care sheets. Any live/frozen or freeze dried food which is aquaria related is good for the newts and a small land area like a floating island is generally best in smaller tanks, crickets are not very nutritious so wouldn't be a good choice of food.
i was going to do half and half because i read when there young they spend most of there time on land but when they get older the spend most of there time in the water
and i think the glass needs to be 4-6mm coz it says you need 6mm for a 62 by 40cm tank
im thinking about getting some but need some more info
min tank size?
are they ok at room temp my rooms 27c at the monent and in winther it about 15-17c?
what food do they need and how much should i feed them?
firebelly newts like temps below 70f, though they can handle higher (ie Temperate). they need no land, just one or two things sticking out the water. 20g will be fine for 2-3 (remember they can grow to over 4 inches). they eat, frozen blood worm, blood worm pellets, fish flake, meal worms (not too often, very high in fat), earth worms and any bugs you can get to sink. feed them every other day.
if your newt spends a lot of time out the water, your water is duff. the tank needs cycled, but they are clean critters. and rarely leave any food. do a search with my name and firebelly newts, you will see some posts and, possibly some pics
incidentally, they do not give off a poisons fog, so are safe with some fish. best stick with herbivores though. lol. one of those critters, swallowed, will kill a man, yet you can rub one on your skin, with no ill effects. (avoiding cuts).
fascinating critters. i loved watching them as they moult. but apart from that, they are fairly sedentary.

Oh yeah, i forgot. they live long (unless you kill em) one member had one for 11 years, possibly still has it

I don't know much about the newts,
that much is clear. please take the advice of saltynay.
20g i might have to rethink it then coz my mum wont let me have another tank that big she agreed to a 10g would that be ok. thats good if they dont have to have live foods then coz i think it would be a bit hard to get livefoods in winter.
i jsut read they make good tank mates with hong kong plecs/hillstream loaches? and what other fish work well
i jsut read they make good tank mates with hong kong plecs/hillstream loaches? and what other fish work well

in theory, any temperate none aggressive fish will be fine. i can only say CAE at around 70f works fine.

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