Fins Bitten?


Fish Addict
Dec 28, 2005
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Ive bought some male guppies (2) from my lfs, but their fins are all bitten and torn. Will this be ok, will they heal on their own?

Thanks in advance, adam.
They were already bitten when i bought
oh it will be the male guppies being really nasty and they will rite and it is nasty if they become allbrown around the fins just tell us because then that is bad but the nips will always be there unfortunatly.
As long as youre sure they are just bitten and its not a rot then clean water will be the best thing and maybe a touch of melafix to stop any infection.
Try adding some melafix. Are they alone now? Male guppies should be in groups of at least 5 to spead out the agression, and should never be kept with nippy fish as their fins are very inviting to them.
I only have two male guppies at the moment with very peaceful fish, tetras etc. So will they grow back on their own?
I dont think its infected.
Yeh, i keep male guppy's and have never had a problem- They get depresed if you only have two as my male is in my 60Ltr tank at the moment
Very hard to keep male guppies especially delta tails in a community setup and not get ripped fins.
Occupational hazzard so to speak.
I may get a couple more, not sure for now. How long will it take for their fins to grow fully back?
I may get a couple more, not sure for now. How long will it take for their fins to grow fully back?
We had that happen. Wtch out for major fin damage, as it will eventually kill the fish.

Danios will attack Guppies if they are not schooled, which happened to us.

So just watch out

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