finnally good tank pic

OK my bf just said he got the slate at a landscaping shop that does stonework. Sort of like a quarry. It came in big pieces about a half inch thick, and then he washed em and cut them into the sizes you see. He just used a hammer to cut them. :D He found the lfs was too expensive to buy rocks by the pound. So found a budget solution. Oh yeah and the driftwood, which I think is really neat, is from the cottage.
Great stuff. Landscapers is a good cheap alternative to the fish shop. Unfortunatly I am lazy and don't like having to really clean my rocks. The rocks at my LFS are pre-cleaned and washed so you only have to give them a rinse and they are fine, although it is 99p / kg for slate or volcanic rock which can work out quite expensive.

Now you just have to think about plants!


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