Finishing my tank, smaller fish gone..


Fish Crazy
Dec 2, 2004
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My tank is in my sig but im just lookin for something that would be suitable with the current inhabitants that could 'finish' my tank. I feel ive got a little bit of space for something but not sure what.

Any ideas :) ???

90G is a lovely size tank but you are really wasting it having like 3 tetra, 1 kuhli loach.. You should get another 5 khulis, so that they are active. I think another 12-17 cardinals would do best, big groups look stunning and behave much better. If you like guppies you should also get more of them as it will feel intimidated by the larger fish on its own.

Your Tiger Oscar will be a thread as soon as he starts to mature, usually about 4" +.

I would forget about adding any new types of fish, increase the groups of what you have already, and be prepared for that oscar to grow substantially and start eating your fish unless you plan to move some of them out. Oscars grow quick, and they need alot of feeding. Do not underestimate how many of your fish it would eat with great pleasure..

I agree with bunjiweb but maybe also consider some moonlight gouramies. They will fill up the upper layers and act as 'centerpiece fish' once you've removed the oscar.
Lol thanks.

Don't worry i know all about the Oscar, i did a lot of research before i bought him and i work at my LFS so its all good. At the moment he is just over an inch, within 6months though he could be pushing 7 or 8 though!

I have 4 kuhli loaches, dont know where you got one from... The reason i dont have more is they seem to be really rare around here.

I did have 8 Cardinal tetras but sadly lost the other 5 a while ago. I decided not to replenish the shoal because of the Oscar.... As they would soon become food! Most of the other fish are fully grown so luckily theyre safe from the Oscar just yet. It's the same situation with the guppies, my brother has a 20G tank and so thats the new home for the Cardinals and Guppies. The Blind Cave Fish are each 3 times bigger than the Oscar and the bottom feeders should be ok.

And so back to my original question... What can i add to finish the tank, with the Tetras and Guppies going i have room for some larger growing fish that would ne threaten the Oscar or become prey. I'm ideally looking for something thats grows between 4-8 inches. I honestly have no idea, i like shoaling fish but Tetras and Barbs (except Tinfoils) are too small, dont want Gouramis so im stuck!!

Please help!

As im getting rid of the Tetras and Guppies im going to keep the Oscar, i dont think anything else should be worried, i'll watch the Blind Cave Fish once the Oscar is bigger and make a decision with them. How about some Butterflyfish?

There's so many decisions especially as apart from the Oscar and Blind Cave Fish the rest are all bottom dwellers so need some help!

So any ideas? :)

Something that can live with an Oscar and is happy in a 90G!

Thanks, Dman :)

The female guppies and cardinals have been given to my brothers tank.

Looking at my stocking list i would say i had a fair bit of room and i would love to add some fish to my tank.

I'd love some suggestions!! Obviously, the new fish(es) would have to be of a size so that the oscar doesnt snack on them and i really am open to anything so would love all suggestions!

My tank looks really empty at the moment and i would really like to introduce some fish so please help :)!


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