I have two tanks, both of which aren't quite full yet in my opinion, I was hoping to get advice from others on what I should/could put in said tanks. They are as follows:
30 Gal Community:
1 Female Pearl Gourami
2 Female Platys
1 Zebra Danio (I know i needs more or to get rid of him)
6 Panda Corys
Cherry shrimp galore
Temp: 76ish)
(Filter is a Tetra Whisper EX45 Which is good up to 45 Gal)
20 Gal Community:
1 Male German Blue Ram
6 Pygmy Swimming Corys (They're pretty awesome if I may say so
1 Albino BNP
(Temp 78-80ish)
(Filter is an Aqueon Quietflow 30, good for 30-45 gal)
I was hoping to add a few more fish to each, and I sort of have them picked out, I just don't want to be over stocked and I want to be sure that the fish I've chosen will get along with the fish I currently have.
For the 30 G I was thinking of getting another female Platy (They add a nice pop of color to my otherwise rather blank tank, the Danio isn't as bright as he could be) - (As he's alone and probably not very thrilled) And the rest of the fish in my tank are rather monotone beige and brown/black.
I'm not sure I want to keep my single Danio or if I want to rehome him and move on to another type of schooling fish, Neons have caught my eye, but they're so common I'm not sure they're quite what I'm looking for.
Would the following stock work?:
30 Gal:
1 Female Pearl gourami
3 Female Platys
6-10 Neon Tetras
6 Panda Corys
Cherry shrimp galore
I'd be aiming for the higher side as far as the Tetra's go, they look lovely in larger groups. And my Gourami is a little territorial and likes to chase so the larger the group the better so she wouldn't stress one to death.
As far as my 20 G goes I was hoping to add more color to as well.
I'd like to get my GBR a girlfriend, the problem is he's only an inch long at this point and most of the girls I come across at the pet shop tend to be fully grown and would be to much for him to handle I think.
Would Guppys work in such an environment? I'd get all one gender but I'm not sure how many my tank would have room for, or if it would be best to just get female GBR and say the tank was full.
I'm not even sure about the guppies, I feel like a schooling fish would look better, but I don't want to have Neons in this tank as well, perhaps a different type of small tetra... Any suggestions?)
2 GBR (M/F pair)
5 (Or so) Guppies OR 6 (or so) Tetra or other small schooling fish
6 Pygmy Corys
1 Albino BNP
30 Gal Community:
1 Female Pearl Gourami
2 Female Platys
1 Zebra Danio (I know i needs more or to get rid of him)
6 Panda Corys
Cherry shrimp galore
Temp: 76ish)
(Filter is a Tetra Whisper EX45 Which is good up to 45 Gal)
20 Gal Community:
1 Male German Blue Ram
6 Pygmy Swimming Corys (They're pretty awesome if I may say so
1 Albino BNP
(Temp 78-80ish)
(Filter is an Aqueon Quietflow 30, good for 30-45 gal)
I was hoping to add a few more fish to each, and I sort of have them picked out, I just don't want to be over stocked and I want to be sure that the fish I've chosen will get along with the fish I currently have.
For the 30 G I was thinking of getting another female Platy (They add a nice pop of color to my otherwise rather blank tank, the Danio isn't as bright as he could be) - (As he's alone and probably not very thrilled) And the rest of the fish in my tank are rather monotone beige and brown/black.
I'm not sure I want to keep my single Danio or if I want to rehome him and move on to another type of schooling fish, Neons have caught my eye, but they're so common I'm not sure they're quite what I'm looking for.
Would the following stock work?:
30 Gal:
1 Female Pearl gourami
3 Female Platys
6-10 Neon Tetras
6 Panda Corys
Cherry shrimp galore
I'd be aiming for the higher side as far as the Tetra's go, they look lovely in larger groups. And my Gourami is a little territorial and likes to chase so the larger the group the better so she wouldn't stress one to death.
As far as my 20 G goes I was hoping to add more color to as well.
I'd like to get my GBR a girlfriend, the problem is he's only an inch long at this point and most of the girls I come across at the pet shop tend to be fully grown and would be to much for him to handle I think.
Would Guppys work in such an environment? I'd get all one gender but I'm not sure how many my tank would have room for, or if it would be best to just get female GBR and say the tank was full.
I'm not even sure about the guppies, I feel like a schooling fish would look better, but I don't want to have Neons in this tank as well, perhaps a different type of small tetra... Any suggestions?)
2 GBR (M/F pair)
5 (Or so) Guppies OR 6 (or so) Tetra or other small schooling fish
6 Pygmy Corys
1 Albino BNP