Bored into leaving
That article merely reviews what the bottles claim to do on their labels. It does not discuss the science of the point.This article contradicts your view.
Read any of the scientific articles on the actual chemical reactions. They show that any de-chlor with sodium thiosulphate will prevent the chlroine agent being harmful. Those that harp on about dealing with chloramines also have an agent to bond with the ammonia, which we have all spent time developing a colony of bacteria to do.
If anything, your great idea of providing people the information they need to make a choice is superfluous. So long as they use any dechor that at least contains sodium thiosulphate then the chloramines will not be an issue. It's that simple.
By putting this information up it makes it appear that many de-chlors will leave fish subjected to chloramines which just isn't the case.
I do not feel this is massively off topic at all. You were prefectly happy to say that this will be a very valuable tool, but now someone is questionning how valuable it is you are requesting they go and dredge up a 2 year old thread.