Finally Success

yay free swimmers :D so far feeding them with liquifry food#1(more of as supplement) and tomorrow I'll start them off with egg yolk for a couple of days and go on to bbs for a couple of weeks. After bbs I havent decided on what I'll use.

hehe as soon as I turn out the lights about 20 fry run away from the nest :fun:

New info! I've not heard anyone talk about feeding egg yolk before... do you do it for the protein? How do you do it, do you boil it first and mash it? Just crack it open and plop it in? Just the whites? Just the yellows? Talk! ^_^
yay free swimmers :D so far feeding them with liquifry food#1(more of as supplement) and tomorrow I'll start them off with egg yolk for a couple of days and go on to bbs for a couple of weeks. After bbs I havent decided on what I'll use.

hehe as soon as I turn out the lights about 20 fry run away from the nest :fun:

New info! I've not heard anyone talk about feeding egg yolk before... do you do it for the protein? How do you do it, do you boil it first and mash it? Just crack it open and plop it in? Just the whites? Just the yellows? Talk! ^_^

Boil it and mix it with water stir it and throw it in your tank. Be careful don't overfeed your fry coz it's going to spoil the water.

yay free swimmers :D so far feeding them with liquifry food#1(more of as supplement) and tomorrow I'll start them off with egg yolk for a couple of days and go on to bbs for a couple of weeks. After bbs I havent decided on what I'll use.

hehe as soon as I turn out the lights about 20 fry run away from the nest :fun:

You can feed it with BBS and then after a month you can start giving them with crushed pellets, but I saw BBS is still better.
Im going to boil the egg,take the yolk, mash it up in water and put it a spray bottle

update- I just took the father out since he looked like he wasnt going todo anything else for these babies and I did a fry count.Only about 30 or so :unsure: sort of a dissapointment but maybe a smaller spawn will beeasier to handle :look:
its my fourth lol :blush: , does it sound like its my first? its my first in a year if that helps

oh yeah the father pooped yellow about 30min after I took him out. Sadly I didnt feed him anything yet so it was probably fry,but why yellow? And I think I saw a pair of eyes in his poo....mebbe i'm just paranoid..
well I think its time for an update

Its been 2 weeks so far and and there are about 20 left. They look pretty good, been feeding decaps and bbs.
I added a bunch of plants in the tank recently and cant find many of them but I'll try to get pics in a couple of minutes so check up on this soon. :good:

ok wel... I have pics, not very good pics but stilll...I'll get better ones as soon as I get my hands on my other camera(currently not with me :-( )
well enjoy if you can see them lol :blush:

just use some imagination :rolleyes:

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