Finally Success


Fish Crazy
Aug 13, 2003
Reaction score
the mitten state
After my dud male failed to cooperate I decided to toss in a new male. At first things look hopeless but by the nest day we had a a small but nice bubblenest. Four hours later we have embracing. After another hour and a half i had no eggs and thought things just werent going to work out. So I just stopped watching them and leftfor a couple o hours and by the time i got back the female was in the corner and i had a huge clump of eggs.I estimate around 180.Today i have fry :good: :D not 180, ithink the male ate somebut he is taking careof the ones he didnt ate so i thinks hes ok. Well I'll post pics when my camera battery charges.

I dont have any of the male yet and i dont really want to disturb him now so... here are the other pics

heres the lovely lady and if you can see she shes intently working on her own bubblenest in her jar


here they are trying to get some eggs out but no good

Still trying

last picture I took before leaving,still no eggs :S

The fry are too small to see with my camera so just wait aweek or so and I'll update again
nice looking fish too...
I have found sometimes they will embrace for hours before the male/female or both get the hang of it
Congrats Infant :D. Where'd you purchase the pair from? 405 Tropical Fish? Remember to keep us updated with more pictures :good:
The pair came from wildmagiclady at wildmagicbettas on aquabid she gave me a really good deal too :good: so I reccommend her to all and most of her bettas are a great deal for their price especially if buy more than one betta with atleast one of them Buy Now sinceyou can get free shipping but shhh its a secret :sly:

Guppies, I really don't think they look to alike- Your looks a little underfed
James :good:
Yeah I was gonna say something about your female, guppies.... -_- but if you look closely at my female she has an X close to her peduncle I think thats what it is.
Nice looking female; I bet the babies will be adorable! Congrats on the sucessful spawn!

As for guppy's gal, she looks very thin indeed for a female; they're usually on the pudgy side! Maybe part of it is 2 females in a 2g together; Guppy, I don't know if youve read the FAQ, but female bettas tend to hasstle themselves if kept in groups of less than 4-5 in less than 10g.
yay free swimmers :D so far feeding them with liquifry food#1(more of as supplement) and tomorrow I'll start them off with egg yolk for a couple of days and go on to bbs for a couple of weeks. After bbs I havent decided on what I'll use.

hehe as soon as I turn out the lights about 20 fry run away from the nest :fun:
Nice pics :p I see you!

Aw, congrats on the successful spawn! The mom and dad have really beautiful coloring, you should get some super cute red babies.
lol thats my little sister she was overprotective and didnt let me do anything :huh: , she was afraid I was going to kill her betta, the female I used in this spawn :rolleyes:

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