Finally set up my tank


Fish Fanatic
Aug 2, 2004
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I finally set up my tank and cycled it and put a few fish in it. looks pretty awesome. I have a question has anyone here heard of a boxfish?
Hi..what size tank? They can grow large and shouldn't be housed in anything less than 75 gallons. If harassed, they can secrete a toxin which can kill a lot of stuff. SH
its a 120 gallon tank with 2 clowns 1 yellow tang and a very small box fish right now. thanks for the boxfish info
Do you know what sort of boxfish you have?

I love the look of them (although they become less colourful and interesting looking when older), but really think it is playing with fire unless you are pretty experienced and/or very meticulous with keeping tank conditions right.

As Steelhealr says they do produce a very toxic chemical when stressed which will often wipe out a whole tank.

This stress can be related to harassment from tankmates, poor water quality, disease etc. so you really have to keep on top of things, particularly when choosing and adding tank mates.
I would stay away from any aggressive fish, and also those with similar shapes.

From what you have said your tank is newly set up. Really this fish would be better going into an established tank - make sure you do regular water changes and monitor nitrates etc. I would not add any more fish for a good amount of time - and quarantine any new stock.

Temperature spikes at this time of year are very stressful to fish, so unless you have air-con, a chiller, or live somewhere cold you will have to monitor things closely.

Don't want to scare you too much, but I'm sure you don't want a total tank wipeout.

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