Finally it's setup


Fish Herder
Apr 20, 2004
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Today was the day. I went and picked up my 125 Gallon tank and stand(took 2 trips in my blazer) plus about $500 worth of stuff from big al's came via UPS today.

Just spent a few hours washing sand.

My buddy bailed on me who was supposed to help me carry the tank inside. I wound up having to wrestle a 125Gallon 6 foot tank into the house on my own (NOT FUN!!!!) getting it up onto the stand was the worst though I thought I was gonna hurt myself it was so heavy. But Got it up there on the stand. Might I add it looks WAY bigger in my house then in the store.

Got all the sand in there and had JUST barely enough. Ihad some sand leftover from other tanks but was only able to get 36lbs of playsand from wal-mart which admittedly is very nice fine very white sand.

Python is in the tank now starting the long process of fillig the tank.

Might I add that today is my first time using a python and I can't imagine not having one now. They are great and best of all mine came upgraded with the brass fitting.
Congrats on the new tank and good luck! Make sure you get pics as soon as it's done. ;)

What are you planning on stocking it with?
oooo how exciting ! good luck in getting it all set up. Look forward to seeing some pictures very soon! :)
yeah they always look smaller as they in a bigger space in the store. glad you got it working without injuring yourself - if it was me i would be unconcious in a pool of broken glass!
Me too........

Got help carrying my 35Gal tank inside, washed the playsand on my own - took me flipping hours !

Just started it running. Dropped my water tablets in, and my fish yet. Soon........

I was looking at some red crabs, about the same size as a 10p piece....any comments ? The guy said they grow no bigger than about 2 inch. They had some other crabs in the next tank - they'd have had my arm off, talk about big ! God knows what they feed them on.

Got a BioLife filter thingy too, so all being weel get some hardy fish on Sunday.

Wow! Was this new tank acrylic or glass? They say that the 125Gal All-Glass is over 200 lbs. empty and at 6' long you are indeed lucky to have managed it yourself.
I think I would've resisted the urge to do it myself unless it is an acrylic tank which I'm sure is still heavy and difficult to manage by yourself but at least not a suicidal feat.
I have been looking for a 125 reasonably priced for a few months. You are a lucky person to have a nice new setup like that. Hope you get much enjoyment from it!

-- itZme
Really! Is it going to be SW or FW?
Thats the hardest part of fish keeping for me, aside from choseing the fish ( And decideing how your going to pay off the bill for all that stuff!)
itZme said:
Wow! Was this new tank acrylic or glass? They say that the 125Gal All-Glass is over 200 lbs. empty and at 6' long you are indeed lucky to have managed it yourself.
I think I would've resisted the urge to do it myself unless it is an acrylic tank which I'm sure is still heavy and difficult to manage by yourself but at least not a suicidal feat.
I have been looking for a 125 reasonably priced for a few months. You are a lucky person to have a nice new setup like that. Hope you get much enjoyment from it!

-- itZme
It's a Glass tank.
All-Glass brand actually.

I'd believe the over 200 lbs thing I think.

I called around to a lot of places the prices varied from $785 down to what I paid which was $430 seems that pet shops have no MSRP they just make up whatever price they want.
Ethos said:
Really! Is it going to be SW or FW?
Thats the hardest part of fish keeping for me, aside from choseing the fish ( And decideing how your going to pay off the bill for all that stuff!)
Providing he lives long enough it's going to be the future home of my oscar (and a few tank mates when they're large enough to move into it)

However right now my oscar is refusing to eat anything.
What kind/colour oscer is he? Albino/black?
Ethos said:
What kind/colour oscer is he? Albino/black?

Basically albino. Orange tiger patterns.
Slightest tinge of pigment in about 2 sections of fin.
This is him when he was a little guy

Congrats on the new tank. It must be nice. Where is the other end of your python ? and how does it work ? Having never seen one I not sure why they are so good. :S
Wow! He's a great looking fish! In this new tank, will he be getting any oscer friends?

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