Finally I got a bristlenose pleco spawn

I use the kind of traps that hang on the front of the tank and use an airpump circulate tank water through the trap and back into the tank. Water quality is where they were born, should likely grow and is a lot cleaner being filtered. I think I have 6 or 7 of them.

Yes those are the ones. Hang them inside without the uplift tube and an air line. I use them for Bristlenose and Cory eggs, work great.
The reason I use those traps is specifically because they circulate the tank water through them. The trap without circulation holds less than 1 quart of water. I hang them on tanks with 33 - 50 gals. That makes the trap equal to a tank of that size in terms of the water quality and the filtration. The circulation also aerates the water continuously.
I’m thinking of just leaving them in the tank I now that some of the guppy’s might pick at them but I’ll probably leave them in the tank thanks
Guppies will definitely attack unprotected hatchlings. My pair laid eggs and raised them in the guppy tank no cave, I turned the light on and not a single hatchling lived thru the guppy attack
The reason I use those traps is specifically because they circulate the tank water through them. The trap without circulation holds less than 1 quart of water. I hang them on tanks with 33 - 50 gals. That makes the trap equal to a tank of that size in terms of the water quality and the filtration. The circulation also aerates the water continuously.
To keep this on topic. You can put your Pleco eggs into one of these boxes. Take off the uplift tube and hang it inside the tank with an air line and anti-fungus stuff. This stabilizes the temperature. You can do water changes as you see fit. When the eggs hatch, turn the box and hang it on the outside and add the air driven uplift tube. With the tank water circulating through the box you can raise the babies for a while in the box.

Alice B

Guppies will definitely attack unprotected hatchlings. My pair laid eggs and raised them in the guppy tank no cave, I turned the light on and not a single hatchling lived thru the guppy attack

Yes everything likes to eat baby bristlenose, even Guppys. Best to separate the baby bristlenose if you want to save any.
One of the main reasons I ended up working with plecos is because they do all the work and I end up with free swimming offspring. The dad keeps the eggs from getting fungus and those that are not viable he boots. But I also work with plecos in species tanks as this helps insure good survival rates with minimal effort on my part.

I switched to working with Hypancistrus from Ancistrus for a few resons. The first was they sell for a whole lot more. FInding somebody to buy 6 -10 baby bn is not so easy. And by the time I had grown them and shipped them, it was a money and time losing proposition. And then there i the fact that they do not spawn once and done, plecos are mostly prolific spawners once they get started.

I can send out a single spawn from my plecos and it brings in more money than a year of bristlenose spawns. And since I want to pay for my hobby costs from my fish, this mattered to me. Plus I have a weakness of the B&W Hypans.

As an FYI- I can also tell folks that adult amano shrimp will eat newly free swimming fry, this includes bn.
Guppies will definitely attack unprotected hatchlings. My pair laid eggs and raised them in the guppy tank no cave, I turned the light on and not a single hatchling lived thru the guppy attack
Yeah I’m gonna grow them out in the breeder box and how big is your tank because I feel like my tank might be Abit over stocked so I have a couple of adult guppy’s and lots of fry and 2 adult common bristlenose 2 juvenile longfin r bristlenose but the tank heavily planted.
the 29 was the tank with the accidental breeding, and boy they had egg sacs attached and didn't last an hour after the light on. Too many guppies. I separated male and female afterward, let them breed in my 38, with a cave and only 2 or 3 guppies without issue
the 29 was the tank with the accidental breeding, and boy they had egg sacs attached and didn't last an hour after the light on. Too many guppies. I separated male and female afterward, let them breed in my 38, with a cave and only 2 or 3 guppies without issue
Yeah it’s a33 gallon do you think it’s to small with those fish but I’ll gro them outdo they don’t get eaten
You may have more cover but I'd be sure they have a cave and Daddy or a breeder of some type
You may have more cover but I'd be sure they have a cave and Daddy or a breeder of some type
yeah thers a cave in ther and ther dads in ther to but ill grow them out in the breeding box do they dont get eaten but do you think the tank is overstocked with the 4 bristlenose and lots of guppys its a 34 gallon.
yeah thers a cave in ther and ther dads in ther to but ill grow them out in the breeding box do they dont get eaten but do you think the tank is overstocked with the 4 bristlenose and lots of guppys its a 34 gallon.
it might be.
So a couple of days ago my male kicked out the eggs and now they have hatched should I leave them or is ther anything I should now

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