Finally Got My L128 & L200

San O Fisher

Fish Crazy
Jan 2, 2008
Reaction score
I finally got my L128 (about 5.5 Inches) and my L200 (about 4+ Inches). They are doing great in their tank, i will try and get some pictures soon. I had a bad case of ich in the tank which ended up killing my 3 pictus cats, but since then everything is fine. Actually, now that the pictus are gone they dont hide at all and are constantly chewing on wood, sucking on the glass or resting right in the front of the tank.
I am concerned b/c they wont touch algae waefers for teh most part, they will partially eat zuchinni, & dont like catfish pellets. They are eating b/c there is crap all over the tank & their stomachs looks good. Is wood & algae enough? should i just keep putting food in there at night, and then cleaning it out the next day if not eaten. I got a new syno about an 1.5 inches to help w/ the food clean up. Any one have any ideas? are they fine. I paid about $35 US for each of them & dont feel like spending money to replace them as i like these ones
I've got both as well. mine feed on courgette, frozen brine and bloodworm and catfish pellets as well

good luck with them . wiorth feeding at night when lights out and let them get on with it checking that there bellies stay full
Good Luck with them, i want a Blue Phantom but need a bigger thank first. guess ill after wait.
i have put some frozen bloodworms in the last couple of days and they seem to eat those up, or at least they are gone in the morning and they are excessivly crapping! I will keep trying different vegtables as well
good news. Plecs can be a pain and test our patience lol

My L128 is no problem I see him out all the time eating and I know he is ok. My L200 is the exact opposite and never seeh im eating but all I can do is provide the food and switch lights out as he appears to only come out of his hidey hole when lights fully out
Mine absolutely adore mussel & prawns too. Not as a staple diet but treat once a week or so.

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