Finally Got My Fish


Fish Crazy
Jun 14, 2010
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After finishing my cycle 2 weeks ago, I have finally got fish!
I have:

6 x Cardinal Tetras
6 x Cherry Barbs
3 x Male Guppies
1 x Dwarf Gourami
1 x Peppered Cory (hopefully get more, they only had one in a tank on its own :lol: )

What do you think?

Thanks :good:
Good mix... did you add them all at once?

I know it has always been recommended to me that you get 3 at a time, and then about 2 weeks before adding the next to make sure the filter can handle the extra ammonia.

How big is your tank?
Good mix... did you add them all at once?

I know it has always been recommended to me that you get 3 at a time, and then about 2 weeks before adding the next to make sure the filter can handle the extra ammonia.

How big is your tank?

I done a fish less cycle (adding ammonia) so I though you could stock all at once?

Glad it's a good mix :lol:
My tank is an aquastart 500. It holds approx 60 Litres :)
So I can add another 5 when they are back in stock :hyper:
do you have a test kit i only just read your comment about cycling the tank you cant add to much at ones or ammonia will build up.
About 3 hours ago :)

All the fish seem to be settling in (cant see very well as the lights are off)
But one fish that I ca see is a cherry barb constantly at the side of the glass sort of shivering moving up and down the glass?
OK I would keep a check on your water and do water changes if there is any ammonia or nitrate. 3 hours isn't long enough for ammonia to start building so you need to keep a eye on it. I wouldn't add any more fish for a few days at the least just to check the water is good first.
Oh I'm not planning to get anymore fish for like weeks/months :lol:
I'll keep an eye on the water though.
Thanks :)
One of the main selling points, other than the fact that it's safer for your fish, with a fishless cycle, is that you can pretty much fully stock your tank in one go. You build up enough BB with your ammonia dosing. Granted, you should always be testing after adding your stock and on a regualar basis until you know what's what and how often you'll be having to water change etc.

Without knowing your tank dimensions, I can't comment on your stock regarding tank size, but as for your choice then yeah, it's good. I'd personally up the cardinals to at least 10, but that's me. Cory, as you are aware are pretty social so I'd be looking at 4 of them at the very minimum. Preferebly more peppered ones, but I have mixed them in the past and found them to act the same as they do with a group of single species.
In a 60l tank, toxins will build up so quickly. You say you finished fishless cycling 2 weeks ago... You have been adding fish food or ammonia for your bacteria culture in the last two weeks before adding fish today, haven't you?

I've had a stressful time up until Wednesday having to do 50-75% water changes for my 3x6cm Panda Garras and 6x5cm Redline Torpedo Barbs [~20" fish], as the nitrites were somewhere between 0.1 and 0.3mg/l using my Nutrafin test kit. Thankfully for me, these 9 guys are now all in the rock solid stats Rio 240, while the Korrall60 is now accupied by 6 tiny Indian red Tail Squirrel Loach (~11" of very slender fish, think half the circumference of a typical pencil!). Having used ~40l of water from the Rio240, the stats are good so far. I'm guessing you have just added ~20" of fish in one hit today, so if I were you, I would try and do both an ammonia and nitrite test each morning and evening for the next week at least.

Good luck with your new family!

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