Finally got Daphnia


Fish Crazy
Feb 21, 2003
Reaction score
Ontario Cananda
So I finally got some Daphnia and was wonder what is the easiest thing to feed them? I read online that you can use powdered milk to feed them? I know that they eat algea and shouldn't have any problems getting algea to grow for them, but I'm not sure how long it will take, and was wondering if supplimenting with powdered milk would be a good idea?

Any one have any ideas/suggestions?

Hey, Gabe! Never heard of the powdered milk thing before, but I do know that the daphnia will eat algae. I had daphnia long long ago in a galaxy far far away and kept them outside in the summertime where the water would get plenty of sunlight but not overheat, trust me, growing the algae will not be a problem :D If you decide to try the powdered milk thing, I would suggest using only a small amount at first, see what happens, my guess would be that if the daphnia don't eat it , it will just get the algae growing that much quicker.
Thanks for the reply fishdudein. It made me laugh :rofl:

How big of a container did you use outside and was it covered?? Also what did you do for aeration??

Thanks, Gabe
Wouldn't feeding them powdered milk kinda turn their water into like a weak milk solution?? I'm not sure they'd like that.........but it might be good for them, guess you can only try lol goodluck!!
Silver - I think they're water fleas. Apparently make good live food for fishies :D

I've been trying like heck to get some daphnia. Could I ask you where/how you got yours? Any sources anybody knows, I'd appreciate hearing about. Thanks.

Well, I probably shouldn't say this but I got mine from work. But you can culture your own. I found a really good site

Go check it out it has some good info. It also gives you ideas of places to collect your own daphnia from water sources around you. HTH

Sorry about the wait for a reply. It was a long time ago that I had the daphnia, and they were mainly a fringe benefit from my efforts to collect freshwater fairy shrimp for fish food. A nearby farmer's pasture would flood in this one low area every spring and I noticed as a kid that there were always ducks and herons around this area at that particular time of year. Putting on my rubber boots, I waded out into the water and found a fishkeepers goldmine. The birds were having a feeding frenzy on these shrimp. I went home to get my bucket and net and soon had all the live shrimp I could feed my fish. I would warn anyone who tries to do this to be very careful and be able to identify anything you catch along with these shrimp, there's a lot of critters out there that will eat your fish instead of being food for your fish. In amongst all the other tiny animals were plenty of daphnia, which are also called water fleas. Anyway, back to your question Gabe, I kept them up next to the house where they would get some sun but not all day long to overheat them, the container was actually a clear plexiglass battery container that I got from a friend who worked at a battery factory, any scratched or cracked containers got scrapped out but made great vessels for fishkeeping, and FREE! Didn't use any aeration, as the "pond" that they came from had none, and I tried to make as natural an environment for them as I could.
When I was growing up as a kid, that litle piece of flooded pasture was my little corner of paradise, in addition to catching the shrimp, daphnia, and other live fish foods there, I also saw quite a variety of wildlife, deer, red fox, raccoon, opossum, groundhogs,muskrat, many different kinds of water birds. It was a nice quiet place to "get away" for a while. Unfortunately, it only exists in my memory now. The land has been developed into a golf course. :byebye:
Umm... I have a whole crap load growing in my 18 gallon. Don't know where they came from or how they got there but I see them crawling around in the gravel all the time. They do look exactly like little white fleas. I've had them as long as I can remember, even after changing out the gravel a few times (I have the same problem with snails). I barely feed the fish in my 18 because they don't eat it anyways. They live off the Daphnia. I guess I'm lucky then because I didn't know how hard it was to find :thumbs:
you guys dont get live daphina at your lfs??

only today i was wondering whether to get some live bloodworm, daphina, brine shrimp or about 3 other types of lavae...
Thanks for the replies everyone.

fishdudein, thanks for getting back to me. I was thinking of putting them in a HUGE pickle jar that I have, but I don't know if I want to put that outside. Although I may go to the dollar store and see if they have any really big plastic containers or something. I just don't want them to get to hot or anything.

Also did you change the water at all or did you just let it go and let it fill up with rain water?


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