Finally A Count.


Fish Crazy
Aug 28, 2005
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North Carolina
Well, this evening I decided to move my fry to a 20gal tank that I will be using for a grow out. And after a long hectic evening I finally have a count on the babies. There is a total of 135. There's approx. 31 DTs, I say approx. because you never know when someone might not be what they seemed. And there's approx. 104 STs. I'm going to try to take a picture of them all while they are acclimating. :) They are starting to get the greenish iridescence that their parents have.
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Wow, just look at all of them! :hyper:
So much for it being a somewhat small spawn, huh? They all look very healthy :nod:
Aww they look great :wub:

I'll bet they're having fun exploring their new home. Can't wait to see pics of them when they get a little bigger, especially the DT's :)
Wow, that's a healthy number! I think you should get a close up of the little DTs! :wub:
Thanks y'all. Yeah, so much for being a small spawn. I certainly did not think that there was going to be this many babies. :S But I'm happy. :) I'll see if I can get a picture of one of the DTs up close. I can't wait to see what they look like when they're bigger.
Well, I haven't gotten a decent picture of a DT yet, but I'll keep trying. I do have a couple pictures that are alright, of some of the others.
lol, we to tell you the truth this is the first time I've actually be able to rear this many. I've had problems in the past. But luckily this time I've been able to do better. :p
Thanks for that. Hope that with time I will improve my rearing too.
Ral, I'm sure your betta rearing will get better. This time what I did was just think about how exactly I raised the previous spawns, I had kept making the same mistakes with each spawn I have been breeding bettas for four years and never thought about how things were going with each spawn. There were several spawns that never made it past two weeks, I've had four spawns that I was actually able to get the fry to their adult stage. The first pair I had spawned was a cambodian VT pair, unfortunately I did not know exactly what I was doing and the fry did not make it, I tried again with a multi colored VT pair and got a total of three fry which never got bigger than an inch. Talk about miniature bettas!!! I spawned that same pair a couple times and was not able to raise the fry. The third pair was a steel blue VT pair, I got four out of that spawn, three of which I thought were females and the third was a male, now looking back I'm pretty sure one which I thought was a female was really a plakat. Go figure. The fourth pair (that I remember) was a marble male with a very small cambodian female whom was extremely full of eggs. And I got one betta out of that spawn. I know I spawned a couple other pairs between that, but I don't remember what they were like. The last spawn I had that I actually got babies from was this past July, the babies hatched on July 4th, there are seven from that spawn and all of them are about an inch log if not a little over an inch. What problems I found that I had were 1) That I was using liquid fry food for their first food and that I might have fed too much and had ammonia spikes. 2) That I did not have a filter. 3) That I did not clean the bottom of the tank very often. 4) I did not really do water changes. 5) That I did not feed enough or often enough. So this time I'm doing everything different than I have in the past. And the fact that they have made if past three weeks I believe they will survive to adulthood, and the way they are growing they ought to be bigger than the past babies.
Thanks Joby. :)

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