Final Stocking


Jul 21, 2009
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hey just wanted to see what anyone else thought about my stocking also if filtration will be ok its rio 240 tank 4ft long 55 uk G and got the internal jewel filter

1 convict
1 green terror
1 jack D
1 tiger loach
1 clown pleco
1 senegal birch
8 tiger barbs or maybe green tiger barbs not decided

cheers to cichlid crazy for lots of his help
I would say too many cichlids, particularly with a GT, you might get away with a convict with a GT, with plenty of decor, territorial areas, but I would say definatley not with a JD in there too.

The Senegal should be fine, as maybe the pleco and possibly the TB's.

You may think Im being cautious, but having had a GT which once it hit 6" tried to take over the tank, I think its best to be cautious until you have another large tank to move the fish as soon as things start to go wrong.
hey just wanted to see what anyone else thought about my stocking also if filtration will be ok its rio 240 tank 4ft long 55 uk G and got the internal jewel filter

1 convict
1 green terror
1 jack D
1 tiger loach
1 clown pleco
1 senegal birch
8 tiger barbs or maybe green tiger barbs not decided

cheers to cichlid crazy for lots of his help

i think you may have a problem with the covict, green terror and JD with territory issuses. they may be ok while they are small and young but as they get bigger and older i think you will experience problems. also when these fish are bigger you will need to get a bigger tank. the filteration should be ok.

hope this helps
ah someone said that stocking would be good. i really like the jd and gt and convict so which order would work best?
Yeh that was me...i think its fine your tank is around 60 uk gal (around 80 us gal) which is just about right as GT's and JD's are good tank mates.

I did say however that you had to keep your cons small and use them as targets and that i wasnt sure on teh Birchir as i have never had one.

So my idea was the GT and JD would be the centre piece with Dithers.
Yeh that was me...i think its fine your tank is around 60 uk gal (around 80 us gal) which is just about right as GT's and JD's are good tank mates.

I did say however that you had to keep your cons small and use them as targets and that i wasnt sure on teh Birchir as i have never had one.

So my idea was the GT and JD would be the centre piece with Dithers.

what do people think of this as this is what i want to do obv dont want to do the wrong thing though :)
Yeh remmember thats just my opinion...i always do things 'my way' ...people get horrified sometimes but always works out for me :)... i have more a 'mfk' mindset tho.

Cons are great targets....people let them breed so they are a constant supply of live food and dithers....but et them out before they are adults...because htye will become a problem for your other fish....luckily they take a longgggg time to grow...Cons are very slow growing.
Yeh remmember thats just my opinion...i always do things 'my way' ...people get horrified sometimes but always works out for me :)... i have more a 'mfk' mindset tho.

Cons are great targets....people let them breed so they are a constant supply of live food and dithers....but et them out before they are adults...because htye will become a problem for your other fish....luckily they take a longgggg time to grow...Cons are very slow growing.

ye i wasnt saying your wrong just want as much advice as possible :) would a JD and GT actually be ok in this sized tank?
Yep in a 80usg which your tank is will be fine..aslong as you do the way i said in the previous thread...Female GT, Male JD. don't get 2 males.
To my knowledge, the rio 240 is 63usg, 121 x 41 x 5?

Its your decision, not saying it wont work, just be prepared to move fish IF/When it goes wrong.
To my knowledge, the rio 240 is 63usg, 121 x 41 x 5?

Its your decision, not saying it wont work, just be prepared to move fish IF/When it goes wrong.

its a 55 uk G which i do believe is 63 us G and i want those 2 fish but obv not if there 2 big for this sized tank. would a GT and Convict be fine with bottom dwellers and dithers like tiger barbs?
You can try it, introduce the GT at small size, convict larger, but like I say it could still go wrong, my 6" GT (Male) ripped my Oscar to shreds and tried to kill my 8" severum, the only fish he didnt really bother were the bichirs and plec.

To add, he literally turned overnight too, was fine with them one minute, was even submissive to the Severum and one day just went beserk and decided the tank was his, this is in a 125g tank too.
Disagree with that, if you do it that way round the Convict will boss the tank and kill the GT...the GT will only be a threat when its of Adult size...but i still wouldn't fancy a full grown GT's chance against a adult male Convict.

If you are certain on having a solo fish...don't rule out a JD..they are very beautiful and much tougher than a GT.

Severums are hit and miss with mixing because they are very peaceful...imo they mix well with Geophagus,Uarus,Oscars and other fish that are 'all bark and no bite' but don't tend to mix well with Centrals and agressive Souths.

I had a 3" Firemouth harass a adult Male Severum (11") so much i had to take him out.

You need to get a steady even with Cichlids...GT's...especailly females tend to become submissive if they are with tougher GT is the largest fish in my tank but is bottom of the pecking order....even behind the little convicts.

If a fish fights back..the will lip lock and tend to end the dispute....of course you get the exceptions when there is a dramatic size difference...aggression a Severum locking with a Red Devil or a Dovi or somthing.
A "MFK mindset". So you think this will work and it ususally does? That is my attitude really. I think it'll work and does, sometimes. I personally don't see the appeal in a JD but, I love GTs and Cons. An adult male Convict is pretty tough, despite it being 7" at adult age. A GT is rather aggressive also. I say go for an Adult male Con. after you let the Female GT grow at least 8" and then take the GT out for a day, and duting that time, let the Con in and rescape and add GT. May or may not work. :good:
Nothing wrong with a MFK mindset....more than a few of us have it ;) if it works for loads there theres no harm in it...people don't have to like it.. all individual choice.

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