Final Setup


Fish Fanatic
Jul 9, 2007
Reaction score
England, Manchester
Hi i think after this i can finaly stop bothering u buisy people on whether my setup should be ok for marine so i am going to run through it one last time to see what you think. most of the things listed are second hand cos i dont realy have a lot of cash at the mo.


Rio 125

External fluval 304 (i think)

Internal jewel rio standard filter with a 600 powerhead (could this be removed as i have the external or would u advise me to keep it in)

one standard light which i am not sure about and a marine glow (when i go coral (hopfully) i will put some T5 high output one marine glow and one life glow or should i have power glow instead of one or the other i think they will both be 24 watt)

red sea prizm hang on skimmer.

Thanks in advanved if anyone can help.
personally I removed mine cuz it was an eyesore and tookup too much room.

Yup I'd get rid of the internal filter too. It'll just take up room and look unsightly. The external filter will be fine on its own.

BTW, what is the setup going to be? FO, FOWLR, Reef?
If its FOWLR then you could go with the Berlin method and dispense with the external filter all together and just bung in a few powerheads to circulate the water. Alternatively, you could remove the filter media and replace it with LR rubble or Rowaphos / active carbon.
If you are planning on keeping corals than I'd suggest you include some good quality powerheads in the tank, as I doubt the external filter will provide anywhere near sufficient flow that corals need. Soft corals you can keep under T5 lighting and don't require as fast a flow as hard corals do. In fact, I doubt LR will be ok with just an external filter, as they require good water flow around them in order to maintain the biological filter.
Well, yes extrenals are good for filtration and water movement, but I read a few too many stories of leaky fluvals for me to ever use one. I'd consider an eheim for reliablity concerns.
get a stream type powerhead, koralia, tunze, seio, modded mj, i went with a koralia. But from what i have heard they are all good (seio (aka rio) has a bad reputation though).

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