Final Questions.

well now I know what equipment i need what sort of stock can i put in the tank ideally i would like a pair of clowns a star once the tanks been going a while would it be big enough for a tang? and after seeing matts deffinately a pistol shrimp and hi fin goby pair. does this sound ok any others i should consider. thanks james. oh btw tank mesures 36" long 18"deep and 24" wide and the sumps going to be 16"long 14"deep and 15"high.
If it were my tank I'd stay away from tangs. pygmy angels all the way :)
Yer same mines bigger then yours yet i still stay off them due to they are too big (ok you might think oh there in a small shop tank) but its not the best way to see it. Yer get a dwarf angle great colours and very active. but put them in like near last as they can get moody to new comers.
What dimensions lengthxwidthxdepth and are there any center braces across the top?
glass top brace and dimensions are 36 long 18 back and 24 deep (inch)
Is there a solid dark plastic center brace? The ideal is a single 175 or 250watt metal halide over the center of the tank, but if you have a brace, that can be problematic. My tank "had" a brace. I cut it out, left some "tabs" of it and replaced it with a strip of plexiglas that I just bolted through the tabs with nylon bolts. Now I can put a single halide in my hood which is still under construction.
is my tank too small for a sting ray i am fiarly sure it is :-( but you never know. :/
thought so oh well. im thinkin dwarf angel pair of clowns a goby shrimp pair errr maybe onother small pair might look at fire fish. :drool:
Sounds about right. Might want to look into flasher or fairy wrasses as well ;)
is a sump on this tank a good idea as there isnt space to have a huge one the sump was going ot be 16" by 14" by 15" is it worth it with a sump that small

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