Fin Tears.


Fish Fanatic
Dec 23, 2006
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I dont know what it is, at first he recieved these same tears but one at a time, and they would heal really fast.

all of a sudden i see multiple tears, not as far down as before but still concerning. I always thought it was odd he kept getting it, i dont see any places where he can tear his fins on and my fish are not agressive. My brothers got 2 plecs in with oscars they get into small fights at times but they are fine.

So i dont know, i dont think its fin rot, just doesnt look like it from the pics i saw. But yeah, id appreciate any help. Im also posting this in the emergency forum.

He also has plent of hiding spots, one was removed, so for now he has a cocanut which he hides in most of the day, its big so he fits in no problem.

55 Gallon
1x Snail
7X Ghost Shrimp
3x bala
6x Cory
2x Molly
1x Tiger Plec
1x Rubbernose Plec
1x Yellow Barb (sorry if i named him wrong)
7x Tiger Barbs
3x Clams

Temp 80

Water readings are fine, asides from a little hightened nitrate level, however still in safe parameters.


He's either getting nipped (probably by the barbs) or getting damage trying to get into something he cant fit into or fighting with the other plecs perhaps? Certainly doesn't look like a disease, but something's going on. My bets are on the barbs, but gibbies are notoriously territorial, so it could be fighting. It's a shame, he's a very nice gibby.

You've got a very odd mix up in your tank though - those balas will get too big and will need a 6 x 2 x 2ft tank and the gibby will need a 4 x 2 x 2ft min (preferably 5ft - bigger if keeping with other large plecs). And if the yellow barb isnt an albino tiger barb, it'll need at least 4 companions ;)

He's a beautiful gibby though - hope he's better soon :)
I agree, that doesn't look like disease. But like he's being nipped or due to territorial fighting.
Just on a sidenote: you do know that it's a Sailfin plec (Glyptoperichthys gibbiceps ) and due to reach in the region of 20" in future ? :good:
(edit: oops I see Lisa's already covered that)

It could also even be a tiff with the rubbernose. You'll just have to try and figure out who's causing this.
Hmm, great thanks for the help. Im gonna have to observe him more often, it probably happens at night since thats when he comes out the most i figure.

I am currently saving up money to get a big 160 gallon tank for the plecs and balas, they're in the 55 until they grow up.

And from what ive seen, Balas grow realllllly slow hehe. The plec didnt grow to much either.

Anyway, thanks for the help guys, i appreciate it.
The pics above are from the night before i believe, these are recently updated pics. I am happy to say hes much better, i left him some zuchinni and he enjoyed it.

Thanks for all the help guys, im still looking for the culprit but im just happy this rules out fin rot.

One more question, do your plecs let you pet them? Mine kinda does, i have 2, the rubbernose doesnt, but this one does, doesnt shy away from my hand when im moving things and is kind of a nusense when im lifting rocks and hes under.

Anyway, thanks again guys.



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