One month ago. Used Melafix (one-third dosage) every day for a week, but she got worse. I started doing every-other-day water changes and adding aquarium salt instead of Melafix.
One week ago. Halfway through first treatment of BettaMax. No improvement, and she's lost the pigment in the front half of her body.
This morning. Halfway through second BettaMax treatment. No improvement yet.
She's in a 4g tank. Up until yesterday, it wasn't filtered. She's eating fine, but when she gets started she races uncontrollably around the tank.
Should I do a salt bath or an indian almond leaf treatment. Or should I use stronger stuff like Maracyn?
One week ago. Halfway through first treatment of BettaMax. No improvement, and she's lost the pigment in the front half of her body.
This morning. Halfway through second BettaMax treatment. No improvement yet.
She's in a 4g tank. Up until yesterday, it wasn't filtered. She's eating fine, but when she gets started she races uncontrollably around the tank.
Should I do a salt bath or an indian almond leaf treatment. Or should I use stronger stuff like Maracyn?