Fin Rot (i Think)

Table salt is fine in small doses, plus you can't use salt with scaless fish in the tank, usually it's one tablespoon to 5gal but it depends on the fish you keep, i would just half dose for now if you have no scaless fish, one tablesppon to 10gal.
Oh I will look silly now :blink:

What fish are scaleless?

I have Guppys, Mollys, Plattys, Swords, Algae Eaters, and 2 Cresent tails (not sure scientific name)

Thankyou for your help Wilder.

loaches are an example of a scaleless fish.
and i dont think corys tolerate salt either.

Still dont know if my Guppys, Mollys, Plattys, Swords, Algae Eaters, and 2 Cresent tails (not sure scientific name) are scaleless or not can I add salt with them?

Does anybody know?

Coz i would like to add the salt soon.


You shouldn't use your table salt if it has iodine in it. Check the label. You can get "aquarium salt" at your fish store and it is not very expensive. You can be sure that is safe.

None of your fish are scaleless but I am not sure what the crescent tail is but I am concerned as I did a search on google and everything that came up is a marine fish. You should do a search and look at pictures to see what kind of fish you have so you can be sure of how to take care of it.

EDIT: I should also add that mollies need some salt to thrive whether they are sick or not.
I lost about 16 fish when I first started, my fish had white spot, and I tried the normal WS treatment using one drop per gallon as suggested on the label, this did not shift it, then I started using something called White Spot Plus and that did seem to be affective, but, rather too late for many fish after about 2 weeks of treatment. Then I noticed a problem on one of the fins of one of the fish recognised it as fin rot, so I used fin rot and suddenly many of them died. I later heard that certain fin rot solutions can have an adverse affect on some fish and the water could become toxic. I managed to save the rest of the fish by moving them into another tank.
Im doing 3 tablespoons for my 27.5 gallon tank,

what I forgot to ask is how often do I add salt?


do i need to do water changes during this?

Once you add the salt it will stay in the tank until you do a water change. You only need to add more salt in when you do a water change. If you do a 20% water change, put 20% of the salt back in with the new water. I would treat for 2 weeks just to be sure.

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