Fin problems!


Fish Crazy
Aug 16, 2004
Reaction score
Sherwood Park, Canada
Sorry for so many questions, but I have another. I went to check on my fish and noticed that one of my black neons has the tips of it's tail fin (whatever the one at the very back is) and one of my smaller neons has some of it's fin is missing as well. They were there earlier when I was looking at them. My Bruno Aries tetra likes to play a lot and chase some of them around, but he has never gotten close enough to nip at them. from what I have seen. Any ideas??

Now I have looked, and 4 of my fish have it. What do I need to do??
This happened after the water change, my new fish is still in quarentine in it's 1 gal tank, so I know that is not the problem.
Sounds like fin rot (brought on by stress) and can be easily cured with general antibiotics (remember to remove all carbon before treating and half the dose if you have cory's or sensitive fish)... good luck
Could be finrot, could be the result of aggression betweed fish... happened to my mbuna all the time. All I did was quarantine it for a couple of days, and the fins always grew back.
I hope it is not agression, as I have all tetras and they are usually really nice to each other. I am glad to hear that fin rot can be easily cured. I guess they didn't like the water change. :-(
I'll have to wait until morning to get some medication for them. How long until their fins grow back?

*edited for my horrible spelling*
I had finrot in my tank, started treatment, once I ended treatment the fins were back to normal in a day or so. I was actually really surprised.

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