Fin Nipping


New Member
Jan 16, 2009
Reaction score
East Providence, RI USA
I had 6 Tiger Barbs 3 regular and 3 albino (no other fish) and they all got togther with no problems. I decided to add 2 green tiger barbs, and for a few days there was no problems. But now one of the green ones has started nipping, but it only nips at one of the regular tiger barbs it leaves the rest of them alone. Any input???
probably just trying to make itself top dog, well fish, it should die down after a few days, try adding a few more hiding places so the bullied one has plenty of places to get away
The more tigers you have, the less the chance of this happening. As Lilfishie says, they may just be establishing a pecking order. However, if it continues, try adding more decor, re-arranging the decor or adding more tigers.

Let us know how it goes? :good:

also if it doesn't stop within a day or two, a trick we use over in the betta area with females is, remove the group, keep them seperate for a shor time, rearrange the tank, then add them all back together like there all new fish, works a trick :good:
Just an update I seperated the green barb and put him in another tank by himself. Within 20 minutes the other green barb went on a rampage attacking every fish, so I removed him and put him in the other tank. The two didn't fight each other so I had planned to get more green barbs to add too the two. In the morning I went to feed them and they both died overnight. I've been told they were probably stressed form being moved around. The other tank is cycled, with no other fish in it.

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