
New Member
Jun 28, 2005
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alberta, canada
:-( my big female guppy keeps head butting my smaller one ot was so bad i had to put the victim in a spare fry net i have wath could have caused this( cause they get along for like two months) and how can i sove it!!!

Help me please i'm still new to this and don't want my fish to die!!!! :-( :no:
Need to no tank in gallons, how many fish and which type, water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, is she actually heading butting or pecking at the gills.
the tank is a ten gallon
anf at the moment has about twenty five fry in it (just while the five gallon cycles) an algea eater 3 pygmie corys and the two guppies. i realze it's a little over stocked with the fry at the moment but don't know what to do. she's probably pecking at the gills but shes running her into the glass too. i don't know the water stats (don't have a kit.) was goin gto take water in today could tell you at about 3 my time.
sorry if this doesn't help enought!!!!!!!!
When fish peck at the gill it sometimes can be gill flukes, have they been flicking and rubbing on objects,heavy breathing, red inflamed gills plus can also be pale, would like to no water stats to, to rule things out.
Reason why i wan't to check your water stats is if they do have red inflamed gills it's not due to the water quality, are they red and inflamed or pale.

The thing with the fish swiming into the glass is sometimes they see themselves in it and if its mirror like they will swim into the glass thinking that they are seeing another fish.. well thats what my fish do!

Umm Im a bit worried now.. My fish SOMETIMES rub their heads on the gravel in like flicking movments around 4 times in a row then stop.... this isn't all the time but sometimes. I heard about Gill Flukes but I was told that it was prob them getting a little dirt in their Gills.. could this be? Im quite worried now. But apart from that they seem to be swimming around fine. Does Gill Flukes Kill?

Missy xxx :S
Hi wilder My waters fine and my fish looks ok no red inflamed gills or any thing so i'm thinking i have a aggressive female. Plus i i have foung a new home for the one that was getting picked on. A friend of mine has been thinking about getting another female so problem solved she leaves tommorow to her new home i will be sad to see her go but at least she wont be getting bullied :sad: is she ok in my fry net over night?
thanx for ur help so far Wilder
Sounds fine, good luck in her new home.

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