Fin Eaters

sorry this is kribs mate ...i was trying to reply to you but when i tried it said my account was suspended... i have e-mailed to ask why but no perly yet. so here goes

a small silver shark what doesnt do no harm,
4 penguin fish,
3 zebra d
4 tiger barbs,
2 orange platys,
1 plec

you really need a couple more tigar barbs IMO 4 will just terorise everything 6 will harrass themselves.

take the silver shark back to your lfs. he wont do anyharm they are very peacful fish but he is too big for you tank. and he will be stressed too by those nasty barbs. i know he is small at the moment but he really shouldnt be in the tank....sorry.

hope the platy recovers though (or was it a swordtail????)
i dunno if its a silver shark thoe really

its not grown an inch since i bought it 2 months bk

and the orange fish are platys
have you got a picture of him?

2 months isnt long.... he will grow huge though if he is a silver shark (and i suspect he is)
nope no pics, strange fella thoe, allways swimming in his spot on the left side of the tank wiv his nose against the glass and when i turn the light off he swims around and about

ive never seen him eat a flake yet but hes still alive and swimmin lol

like i sed im a begginer fish tank boy
sounds like a bala/silver shark to me....

i still recomend you take him back though ...sorry :( your tank really isnt suitable for him ;)
well if he gets bigger i will give him to my uncle he has a huge tank

about 3 meters long
i dunno,
if your sure your uncle will take em' when he gets bigger then i would say he's fine for now
just keep an eye on him and if you see your barbs goin' at him then i'd gime him to your uncle now :nod:

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