Fin Eaters


Fish Fanatic
Apr 13, 2004
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my tiger barbs have nibbled the fins of 1 of my fishes and now it cant swim properly

it keeps goin near the filter at the side and hiding in mi cave

wot should i do
i dont know what it is called but its the same fish as "x-router" has in his signature pic, in the mixing sharks topic, the orange 1
You either need to get that fish away from the barbs (quarantine or get another tank) or add more barbs so they mind their own business.
well im only 16 and dont have money to keep buying loadsa stuff so i cant get a quarintine tank, i will just av to see how they go on and if they carry on which they have stopped now, i will get a few more barbs or give mi 2 orange fish to my cousin coz she knows alot more than me and has a beta setup

any 1 know what the fish is called
i can't see the,
my eyes are bad and the pictures are blurry and tiny but it looks like there are some orange platy and orange swords
if these are them then they should not be in with barbs as barbs are semi-aggressive fin nippers and platy/swords are VERY community (peaceful)

here are some links of pictures as i can't post pictures
are these them?
so how big is your tank and what is in it right now? :dunno:
as for the swordtail, if she's the only one in there i would give her away :byebye:
better for her
idealy you need to isolate the fish and treat with melafix.

if you cant isolate him you really need to keep the water spot on. and i mean perfect. to stop any secondry infections. (daily water changes)

if you cant afford to get melafix ( but i recomend you do) i have heard that its simply melaleuca tea tree oil and distilled water 1 part tea tree and 99 parts distilled water. obviously shaken vigorously to mix it up everytime you use it.

god i hate tiger barbs...

you really need at least 6 tigar barbs to stop this . how many do you have? what size tank is it? whats you parameters like and is this tank cycled?
its a neon orange platy

ive got 2 but 1 is fine,

my fish tank is about 3ft long 1.5 ft width and i have,

a small silver shark what doesnt do no harm,
4 penguin fish,
3 zebra d
4 tiger barbs,
2 orange platys,
1 plec
well i'm not good at converting size to gallons but i hope that is a big tank :lol: cause your lookin' at 54" of fish (only 50" if your lucky and the bala or "silver shark" only grows to be 10")
also take into consideration that these fish have different temperments
like the penguins and platy are very peaceful community fish,
and the barbs are semi-aggressive little a-holes :lol:
then you have to take into account that sure the bala is community but it is best kept with larger fish, and you have him in with tiny much smaller fish
not to make you wanna cry ;)
just to keep you informed...
in fact..... :shifty:
this might be a good reason for you to get another tank for you birthday! :- :mama: :kana:
just tell your parents if you don't get another tank your fish are doomed! :unsure: (exadurating of course!)
then turn on the water works and :-(
TA DA! :hyper:
lol cheers for that lol

wish i had loadsa money i would make my tank look proper good but its hard to even afford food and all the other little bits n bobs for the tank and its also my first tank i bought and first pets ive had

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