Filtration for GIANT tank....


Fish Crazy
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
East Sussex, UK
Just got myself a 6ft x 2ft x 2ft tank, Cycled it (thanks to the three tanks i am putting into this one!), and i am now, as an afterthought :( thinking about whether my filtration is sufficient for a tank of this size.

There is a sump tank to this set up with Bio Balls and not alot else.

According to my lfs i need to turn the water over about twice an hour.... the tank is 2806 gallons/10,635 litres, and there is no way that even if i put all my externals on this tank that i can do that.

My existing filters that i can use are:-

Eheim Prof 11 (with heater) 950lph
Eheim 2213 440 lph
Fluval 404 1300 lph
Fluval 204 doesn't want to work - probably due to the rise from floor to top of tank which is a good 5 - 6ft.
Various internals.

What do you guys reccomend?

sorry to burst your bubble but I make that 180 us gallons
no where near 2000+ :no:
A 6x2x2 is only 180 US gallons.

For a 180 gallon tank you want a sump that holds a minimum of 18 gallons of water and a sump pump that turns the water over at least 5 times per hour.
Thought it sounded a bit much!

Is that turning the sump water over 5 times, or the main tank.

If you're worried about filtration, build a fluidised bed filter. I read somewhere that every one pound of sand in a FBF can house enough bacteria for a 100 gallon tank.
to get a good return flow going on that your going to want pumps rated at around 4000lph.

on my 210 gallon tank i run 2 Oase Aquamax 2000 pond pumps which gives ample turnover and plenty of flow.

you can bulk up the sump with more biological media, go to pond supplier and buy some of the cheap stuff just to fill it out a bit.

i buy cheap sets of pond foams for my sump aswell, you get them in different size packs so you can just cut them to size.
You have a 3000 gallon tank an you are looking for advice from your LFS??? If your LFS is experienced in running such a large tank, count yourself lucky. If not, your post here is a great first step. There are some very large tank owners on this board. They can fill you in on what filters you should be looking at.

Best of luck and how about a picture of the tank?
I would just go with pond filters if it were actually 2000 gallons. But since it's only 180, the sump with maybe an eheim 2260. But I would just increase your sump and pump size if I were you. Good luck!
I think you would be fine bnut as mentioned nuying a fluidized bed filter can give good bang fot the buck most cover about 300 gallons biologically will definately cover filtration
Edit-. Pond filters are not overly efficient they are just like canisters the reason they are rated so high is because more bacteria and algae naturally exist in a pond than a home aquarium, I have a pond filter rated for 500 gallons and all it is a 300 gallon pump with a small box in front that has a sponge and three bioballs in a fish tank it is likely to compare capability wise to a fluval 4 plus
I use a swimming pool filter on my big tanks.. work just great. I'll post some pictures when I get home..

its easy to clean as I just do a backwash and tada..

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