Filtration for a 20g


New Member
Feb 10, 2004
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Is there such a thing as over-filtration? I was thinking of buying a Penguin Bio-Wheel 280 or even a 330 as they are pretty close in this going to be harmful or helpful for my 20g?

Plus, have you guys had good luck with your Penguin Biowheels? Someone told me they were really loud...any other suggestions for under $50 retail? (Not powerheads/UG)

I personally don't think you can over filter a tank. The more the better!
:kana: I don't believe you can over-filter, unless you have some crazy setup
with too strong a suction which could catch small fish, or something that causes too
much water agitation/splash for the size of the tank.
My Penguin Bio-Wheel is not as noisy as some people seem to claim they are.
And itis very easy to maintain. My only complaint is that you are very limited
as far as filter media. They use a fairly thin polyfiber and carbon replaceable
cartridge. Not much filter media there, and it is not as versatile as say an
Aquaclear filter, which has a basket that is not only good sized, but you can put
in a variety of media of your choice. I may try one of these on a new tank.
I prefer Aquaclears myself because of the versitality. I find penguins quite cheap, I'd buy the Emperor over it, which is basically the same filter except higher quality, and a little more versatile.

While you can't have too much filtration you can have too much water current, so this is something to keep in mind. With a hanging filter that is too strong for the fish you may end up having less usable space in the tank as the fish avoid the areas that have stronger water flow.
If it can fit on the back, it is unlikely that a HOB will be too strong for a tank.
If it is you can always put a house/rock or some thingy infront of the flow.

(exeption is some few fish that dont like flow perhaps, and certianly some planted tanks).
I cant remember off the top of my head but that model might have a flow adjuster on it so you can increase/decrease the amount of gph you get. I personally use 2 top fin 40's that have knobs to adjust the flow rate for about 5 speeds and my water and fish could never be happier.

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