so i made my own tank, its about 140 u.s. gallons, but the trouble is theres so many options for filtration i don't quite know what to use, what do you guys think would be the best setup?
For a tank that size, I would go with a large cannister or preferably 2 medium to large ones. I have a 140 that has a Fluval 404 and a Rena XP3 running on it as well as a UV Steraliser. either one of these is rated to do the tank on it's own, I just prefer to overfilter my tank, and also if one fails, then I have a back-up until I get the broken one fixed or replaced!!
IMO Eheim make the best filters - although they are quite expensive.
In most reviews they come out top.
the professional 2 is great (I think there is now a pro 3, but haven't seen it)
I have a large FBF and a pair of hang on back (pengiun 400's I beleive) filters for my 135.
The FBF provides amazing ammounts of biological filtration. Contrary to popular belief, it requires me almost no maintnence (small cleaning every 2-3 months with a partial change of sand) and it works flawlessly.