

New Member
Jul 20, 2009
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This is my second attempt at having a tank. My first was several years ago and was not advised about the fishless cycling by my pet store and it was a devastating event for me. I felt so bad to have put my fish through it and have them die. I've kept the equipment all this time and decided to give it another shot as I really would love to have fish. I would like to know what type of filter is recommended (ie. under gravel or above). I have a 26 or 30 gallon tank. I plan on getting my supplies on Monday and testing the tank and equipment for a day or two and then start the fishless cycling. Any suggestions on what I should purchase to make this attempt more successful is GREATLY APPRECIATED!
For a tank that size i would say an external canister filter would be the best :good:

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Thanks! Is there anything else you recommend? How about live plants and if so, should they be added after the cycling?

Also, I see the pure ammonia is used for fishless cycling. Do you get this at the pet store?
For a tank that size i would say an external canister filter would be the best :good:

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Thanks! Is there anything else you recommend? How about live plants and if so, should they be added after the cycling?
It won't make a huge difference but i would wait until after the cycle, as i belive having live plants in whilst doing a cycle can slow it down a bit.:good:
When you've finished the cycle defineatly get live plants, they look beautiful and keep the water cleaner and healthier.
Wilkinsons/Boots/Homebase, most large stores that sell common home cleaning products will have "household ammonia" but pet shops dont realy sell it.
I will definitely get some then and add them after the cycle. I totally appreciate yours and everyone's advice as I want this time to be successful!
Reading the pinned fishless cycling...there are a couple different methods. Which do you recommend? my fish equipment hasn't been used since 2009, is there anything I should be cautious of or should replace? my fish equipment hasn't been used since 2009, is there anything I should be cautious of or should replace?
You might want to test your heater to make sure it still works, just plop it into a small bucket turn it on and wait to see if it warms the water to the temperature it says on the thermostat (Note: turn the heater off and leave it for 30 minutes before you take it out of the water). How long were the bulbs in the light used for?, if they were used for more than a year then you should replace them :good:
I am sure the bulbs weren't used for that long, but I will pick up another to keep on hand. Good idea to check the thermostat! Thanks again for all your help and I'll be back next week after I get my tank up and running! :)
OK...Fish tank is filled and everything is working! While browsing around, I noticed that cycling a tank is quicker if I had filter media. Well I do. I've kept my algae eater (only remaining fish I've had since 2009) in a smaller tank in my office. Can I follow the same fishless cycling add and wait method and also use the filter media or do I adapt the process at all?
I added some mature filter media from my small tank and put it into my large filter, then went and got fish, that was yesterday. Seem well so far. This was advised to me by a few people. :) Good luck with it!

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