

New Member
Sep 13, 2010
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I have just bought a 200 litre tank. My current one is 90 litres. I have always used an internal filter. What do you people advise for the bigger tank, Internal or external filter. What are the pros and cons?

External! All pros no cons

Budget.....Fluval 305

External! All pros no cons

Budget.....Fluval 305

+1, One of the main pros for external is a case of being able to accommodate a lot more media.

External! All pros no cons

Budget.....Fluval 305

pain to start up... loud, always annoying airbubbles, need i say more? sure, power filters are smaller but theyre much cheaper, even tho i would recommend an external for 200l, if not an emporer 400 or one of the large aquaclears.
Turn in those tiny externals AquaTom. I don't have any externals smaller than 4 liters and most are larger than that. :blush:
The biggest advantage to a canister filter is flexibility. Almost any canister can use any filter media of your choice. Whatever you need at the time can go into it in a jiffy and things can change around whenever you find you want to change things. My externals (canisters) almost always run with a very heavy fraction of biological media. If I need to use anything else in the filter, I can remove some of the biomedia and still have plenty left to handle my fish's biological load.
The only down side I can see to my nice, silent running, canisters is that they cost too much as I expand into larger and larger numbers of tanks. The last 10 or 15 tanks have used less expensive filters of necessity. I am simply not made of money.

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