

Fish Fanatic
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Macclesfield (UK)
After much thought i have decided on a Malawi Mbuna tank set-up.

I am currently only 4 days into my fish-less cycle so it will be a while yet before any fish are added.

Spending the time trying to do some research on different fish etc.

My tank is 98 by 60 by 47cm and 215litres volume.

The filter is a trickle filter with a flow rate of 1000l/hr. is this enough or do i need to think about an additional one?

If it is not enough, then any ideas, make/model etc would be appreciated.

a trickle filter is fine.
re the 1000litre per hour flow rate. Is that 1000litre per hour going into the tank, or is that how much water the pump can push out at normal base level?
I ask because as pumps push water up they lose pressure and although a pump might do 1000litres at an inch above the pump, it might struggle to do 100LPH at 3ft high.
You need to measure the distance between the pump and the top of the display tank. Then you need a pump that can do 1000LPH at that height.

You also need to check the trickle filter's ability to hold the surplus water coming out of the tank during a power failure. Turn the pump off and see how full the trickle filter ends up. If the filter is too small you will end up with water all over the floor.
I have no experience with a trickle filter sorry.... But reguarding wether its enougth turnover ect....

The filter you have is turning your water over completely just over 4 1/2 times an hour. It will be ok for the time being whilst they are juvies (assuming you are going to start with juvies??) ... But it would be a good idea to add another filter for when they are adults.

IMO an adult tank would want about 8-10x turnover per hour (10x being spot-on!!) ... but if you plan to overstock, 10-12x (even 14x+ for very overstocked).

Good Luck :good:
Thanks for the advice, thats put my mind at rest.

Yes they will be juvies so, will look at another filter later on.

Just hope i can get my head around this fish less cycling!!!!!
you don't have to get another filter. All you need to do is get a bigger pump for the trickle filter.
you don't have to get another filter. All you need to do is get a bigger pump for the trickle filter.

Good thinking .....

But isn't it better to have more than one filter incase of a breakdown ?? A tank can quickly turn into a disaster without filteration :crazy: ... just a thought.
it's nice to have a 2nd filter as a backup but how many people really do.
And trickle filters are pretty simple and straight forward. As long as they have a good quality pump running them they should never have any problems. And if there is a power failure, well it won't matter how many pumps you have on the tank unless you have a back up generator.

Use an Eheim or some other high quality pump to run the trickle filter and you will never have a problem.
it's nice to have a 2nd filter as a backup but how many people really do.

Nearly most people do actually. In the pinned 'Members tank pics' thread for example, 24 out of 27 people have more than one filter. Three people dont and two of those have quite small tanks.

And trickle filters are pretty simple and straight forward. As long as they have a good quality pump running them they should never have any problems. And if there is a power failure, well it won't matter how many pumps you have on the tank unless you have a back up generator.

Use an Eheim or some other high quality pump to run the trickle filter and you will never have a problem.

Buying from a reputable brand will leave much less chance of a breakdown yea, but not 100%.

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