I'm a newbie to tropical fish and would like to know more about filters!
So, i have one which sticks on the side of my tank and in it there is bio rings, activated charcol and bio filter foam.
In the tank I have nine fish. Most neon tetra's with a barb and a rummy nosed tetra.
So my questions are as follows:
Is there anything else I need to have in my filter?
How often do I need to clean it?
How do I clean it?
Thanks for reading
I'm a newbie to tropical fish and would like to know more about filters!
So, i have one which sticks on the side of my tank and in it there is bio rings, activated charcol and bio filter foam.
In the tank I have nine fish. Most neon tetra's with a barb and a rummy nosed tetra.
So my questions are as follows:
Is there anything else I need to have in my filter?
How often do I need to clean it?
How do I clean it?
Thanks for reading