Filters Comparision And Running Costs?

What is the cheapest, efficient filters?

  • Bubble filters

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • UGF

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • External (combo eg. mechanical & biological)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Internal (combo eg. mechanical & biological

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I used to run around 20 tanks on hob filters. At about 4w each I'm pulling 80w. This is not counting several small air pumps for fry tanks, and a bbs hatchery. Add in the air pumps, and you are looking at around 100w total.

Some time ago I switched over to an air driven centralized system. One large 60w pump powers a sponge filter for fry tanks, and sponge & box filter combos for juvie & adult tanks. I run the sponges low flow for bio filtration, the boxes higher flow for mechanical filtration.

A larger linear air pump puts out way more air than the little one or two outlet pumps, enough to easily get a lot of box filters to filter as well as a hob. I've since added a couple of 150 gallon tubs, no cost to run filters off of the same pump. I have five 40 gallon tanks that I'm in the process of setting up, 5 box & 5 sponge filters, cost zero to run off of the same pump.

I build my own sponge filters for a few dollars each, the large box filters are $4.25 each. I have sponge filters that have been running for years with no sign of deterioration, the box filters run poly floss, which is nothing more than cheap pillow stuffing purchased at Walmart.

Another advantage to this system is coping with power outages. If the power goes out I plug one 60w plug into the generator, and every filter is running.
I think it really depends what your priorities are. If you want cheap, go UGF or air-powered sponges like CFC. If you want filtering capacity, go for External canister, etc etc etc.

I don't think you can say any one is better than any other. They all have their advantages and disadvantages and every tank has it's individual requirements.

I'm not really sure what the question actually is, but if it's cheap you want, CFC is your man. (I don't mean that the way it sounds, CFC :lol: )
I voted External.

I have both an external and internal filter in my RIO240. The internal seems to capture the bits of plants, excess food etc.. far better that the external (fluval 305) filter, but I feel the external will filter more toxins, not sure why or if its true, but I’ll keep 2 filters going anyway!

Not sure what a bubble filter is, so can't comment on that.

If people are worried about electric bills, turn your TV off at the wall when you go to bed instead of leaving it in standby mode. Next switch off lights when there not needed and crack the heating down a degree or two.

You've probably saves yourself the equivalent of what running the tank costs anyway!

Off to bed now, i love night shifts!!!
I'm confused you are using 275W just for lighting? How many tanks are you running?

I'm running 6 tanks. My 125L has 2 x 30W aquaglo's = 60W
Breeding tanks have 2 x 18W glow lux + 1 x 30W aquaglo = 68W
Gf's tank has 1 x 30W aquaglo = 30W
Betta tank has 1 x 30W aquaglo =30W
Total = 188W

Oops! once again my bad lol. I knew making this post while at work without my morning coffee was a bad idea. Sorry.

I voted External.

I have both an external and internal filter in my RIO240. The internal seems to capture the bits of plants, excess food etc.. far better that the external (fluval 305) filter, but I feel the external will filter more toxins, not sure why or if its true, but I’ll keep 2 filters going anyway!

Not sure what a bubble filter is, so can't comment on that.

If people are worried about electric bills, turn your TV off at the wall when you go to bed instead of leaving it in standby mode. Next switch off lights when there not needed and crack the heating down a degree or two.

You've probably saves yourself the equivalent of what running the tank costs anyway!

Off to bed now, i love night shifts!!!

Well since I've been running the tanks, I've stopped playing on my computer and cut down on my other energy requirements. As for Tv.. well lol unless I feel the need to watch drivle or endless properganda then I tend to stay away from tv.... apart from south

Thankyou to everyone who has taken part in this discussion. I feel that I can come to a decision of filtration method for my tanks. If anyone still wants to add, feel free. I am always open ears to advice.
Hi, I'm new (obviously),

I'm trying to understand filters before I buy my first one for a small 28G/106L tank. I don't understand what type of filters CFC and Tolak are talking about. (I've owned and maintained hob, ug and internal air filters in distant past and I understand the concept of external cannister filters... just to clarify where I'm coming from.)

What are these sponge filters that Tolak builds for a few dollars?

Also I don't understand what he means by "box filter"??

After reading a lot of starter articles here I'm getting convinced that for a general community tank (no fish choices yet, therefor no special considerations yet) you could ditch the activated carbon and ammocarb and just concentrate on coarser sponges for mechanical filtration and finer sponges for the bio home for your bacteria. It seems like an external cannister filter would help me do this and also perhaps give me other benefits from more water exchanges(more oxygen?), right?

(apologies for opening my mouth in an experienced discussion!)
Sorry, too lazy to read other posts. However, I said bubble, I built one recently, it works, it was cheap, and the fish are happy.
In my tank (300l) exturnals are the only practical way of filtering biologicaly or mechanicaly, thus that is what I voted for. Their increased internal volume is ideal for mechanical media, ai it has greater surcace area to trap particles, and for bio media, as the volume and slower flow through the media allow for mare efficient filtering of the water. They also have a high output, thus are suitable for larger tanks such as mine.

For smaller tanks though, air driven box filters and/or air driven sponge filters are your best bet.

All the best

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