

Jul 26, 2004
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Gloucester (England)
Hi, todays problem is, my mum cant sleep with out filter on as, it hums, you cant hear it really in the day, but at night when all is quiet its loud, the tank which its on is the 1 in my room, i can sleep with it, but my mum cant, is there any way to make it quieter? or can i just turn it off at night?

Filters are like ticking clocks they need to run 24/7 but
your brain will get used to the noise and ignore it over time.

filters need to be running to keep the bacteria alive
Well, when i took my filter to my lfs, they said "Fooking hell! you got that beast in your little tank :crazy:.

I cannot remember the name, but heres a picture:

Sorry its not very good picture, and the only reason i have all this stuff is because it came with it all, (not bog wood).
O yeh, lol i didnt see it first of all i thought it was some kind of warning thing, the filter is:

Its alittle darker in the middle though ;).
Are you sure thats it? Has it any blue pieces? Could be the fluval 4 plus:


Which shouldnt make much noise at all.

Is the noise from air bubbles or the pump?
Its an old fluval4 I think (maybe a three) either way its HUGE for your tank ;-) Try getting a newer, smaller filter..will be much quieter!

aj xx
*nods* I thought it looked rather like the back of a fluval...but my fluval isn't noisy in the slightest. :/ If it's a fluval 4+ then it really is a big filter on a small tank, as it is designed for tanks up to 215 litres (56 US gallons!). But overfiltering shouldn't do any harm...?
Its the older fluval 4, it has blue filter sponge thingy in it...
It just humms, you cant hear it in the day really, but at night its real noticable, and no its not the air pump because that gets turned off at night.

Maybe getting another filter will make it quieter? but how much are they for a decent one to do well in my tank and be quiet, as i dont really wonna spend much money on something i already have to be honest.

And yes my lfs said this filter is suitable for a 4ft tank :crazy:.
I make your tank out to be 23 US gallons, or 88 litres. In light of this you could get a fluval 2+ which, in my experience, if extremely quiet - certainly not loud enough to be heard in a different room, even at night. I think they are designed for tanks up to 90 litres so you might want to get the 3+, jsut to be on the safe side. However the 2+ would be £28.99 and the 3+ £35.99.

I dare say tehre are many other types of filters that would be suitable for your tank, I just have no experience with them. :p There's some reviews of various internal filters here if you want.

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