

Fish Fanatic
Mar 20, 2004
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Okay, I have a 10 gallon tank with black sand. It came with a Whisper 50 Filter. I don't have any fish in this tank yet. I have Estes Marine Sand, which I heard is not a very good sand... but anyway, here is my question. I was thinking about getting a new filter that wouldn't break because of the sand. I don't really know what type of filter it is, but I was thinking of getting one that is inside the tank, and releases air bubbles. Or is there something I could do that wouldn't invlovle buying a new filter?
Is your sand marine sand (s/w sand?)? I heard that if you use that in a freshwater aquarium it will mess with your pH...but I'm not an expert on this...I have a cheap HOB filter for my 10 gallon (w/sand). It's an AquaTech...I got it from Wal-mart...I've had no problems with it and it works great!
well, its estes marine sand, but it says safe for salt and freshwater use, I dont think it has crushed coral or anything in it that would effect my pH
you could get a sponge filter, i dont know if u know what that is or not, i had one with sand and it worked great
Sponge Filter

Is this a sponge filter? And are they generally cheap like this?
Will this filter be effective enough, I was thinking of mainly getting ghost shrimp. Thanks.
Just wrap normal sponge around your filters intake if you woried, I use sand in all of my tanks and I never had a filter break due to sand.

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