Filter With Built In Heater Question!


New Member
Jun 22, 2007
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Alfreton, Derbyshire
Hi. I have just purchased a new 310L corner aquarium and need to buy a new external filter. I have been looking at the Eheim 2126 thermo. The cheapest I can find on the internet is £139.99 but I like the idea of not having to have a heater in my tank.
My only concern is that it states that its heating output is 180W. Am i right to think that it wouldn't be sufficent wattage to heat a 310L tank and an additional heater would have to be added?
Would really appreciate any feedback before I go and buy one. Thanks, Mark
You want arround 300W of heating power for that sized tank. The heaters built into the exturnal filters are massively unreliable acording to many reviews. If you want an exturnal heater, you'd be best off with a Hydor in-line, that goes in the filter return pipe :good: Get the nono-thermo version with a Hydor would be my advise :good: One member has had problems with one, but issues are rare apparently, and almost all reviews are positive. I have to say I'm very impressed with mine, but I've only had it about 9 months...

Thanks Rabbut. Think i'm going to take your advice. I had my doubts about the reliability of the heater inside the filter and I like the sound of the hydor.
Good filter, and a good price, especialy with media. You sometimes don't get that online... The Pro2 line is well proven and have enough features to make them very user friendly. Unless it gets damaged in post, you are very unlikely to have any problems with it. In fact, most find it outlasts the tank, or them, or their interest in fish, whichever comes first :shifty:

Couple of quick tips, make shure you apply liberal ammounts of Vasaline to all seal rings every time you open the thing. This stops them drying out, and thus will make them last longer. Motor bushings and impeller asside, the seals are the only "wear-outable" parts. They always give warning before going. With the impeller and bushings, noise increases, with the seals, water seaps from the seams once the unit is truned off, or you notice "cracking" on the seal ring when you open up for maintanance... I tend to keep spare impellers and seal rings about the house (and an impeller shaft if it's ceramic like the Eheims) just incase of failure/accident during cleaning to ensure I never have a situation where I'm left filterless... Fianlly, be careful with the ceramic shaft. Just slight sideways pressure will break it, they aren't designed to take that kind of stress...

All the best

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