filter, what does this do!


Mar 13, 2004
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Ok, i understand what a filter does,
but just looking at it.. it just looks like it filters air .

blows bubbles out of a sponge at the bottom, air travels up... goes through another gray filter at the top...

The moving air creates a current that makes the watter flow through the sponge which will stop large particles from leaveing the filter (mechanical filtration), also bacteria that convert your amonia-->nitrite-->nitrate colonize the large surface area of the sponge and do these conversions to keep your fish healthy (biological filtration) as the watter moves through the filter in the current created by the bubbles flowing to the top. Also the small current continues to the surface where air can be disolved into the watter and then spread through the rest of the tank. If their is activated carbon in the filter to this helps remove several things from the water like fish medicine (chemical filtration) :hey:
exactly what i needed to know, i watched the tank for about 15 minutes and came to the same conclusion, so should i make a little.. kinda hole, move gravel away so there can be a hole for bigger particles to get through
no but it looks like you have a pritty big tank you should use a evternal filter cos they're loads better for your fish and that means they look better

good filter+good water+good lighing+food=happy fish=happy owner and less maintence
:D Clean your tank its a sucking device that sucks any near floating poo in to the filter and then recycels the water in to clean. :D
looks like an undergravel filter, in which case it wouldn't be a sponge at the bottom, but an airstone.
the flow of the bubbles pulls the water thru and keeps the gravel bed oxygenated so it can perform its job of biological filtration.
A ugf can perform a minimal amt of mechanical filtration (in the gravel), but as Tropjunky suggested, it should really be coupled with another filter to take care of that end (to break down the bigger particles).
also, the outlet should be facing into the tank, to provide aeration by disturbing the water surface.

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