Filter Switch/upgrade

Tony Chupacabra

New Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Hello. I'm working on getting my tanks switched from Whisper Power filters to MarineLand Bio-Wheel Filters. I was wondering how long it would take to cycle the new filter? First off, I have:

1 - 29gal tank with a Whisper Power 40 + New MarineLand Penguin 150 Bio-Wheel filter (30gal filter)
approx 60 fish (ELB's). All small and accounted for (feeding, filtration, etc)
30gal heater
gravel, lots of plants, and what not

1 - 20gal tank with a Whisper Power 20 + a crappy makeshift DIY UGF system (UGF turnover is 2x at best)
approx 40 fish (ELB's). again, All small and accounted for (feeding, filtration, etc)
20gal heater
gravel, plants, etc.

(I would like to state that im fully aware of the the current overcrowding and other possible issues. It will be taken care of asap.)

I am waiting for the new Bio-wheel to cycle before placing the Whisper power 40 in the 20 gallon tank. (20gal will have a bio-wheel later as well) I can't steal the filter media from the Power 40, since its going into my other tank. I was just curious to how long It will take to cycle the new filter in an already established aquarium. aka. How long before its safe to replace the old filtration system and move the Power 40 to the 20gal tank.

Thanks in Advance
It should be left running with both filters for three weeks with the stocking you have.

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