Filter sponge


Fish Addict
May 25, 2003
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when giving a filter a new filter sponge do u have to cycle it like starting a new tank? :thumbs:
No, keep the new carterage suspended in the tank for about a week before you put it in the filter. That way it gives the bacteria to grow on it. Good Luck,
Can I ask why ur changing the filter sponge? those things normaly last for agesss, they only really need replacing when they start to fall apart
When I first got my juwel 180 tank I read the instructions and it said to change the filter sponge every 6 weeks or so. So I promptly threw the instructions away. They only tell you to change it to make more money :rolleyes: I've had my sponges for over 3 years - same sponges. Every few months or so, when I can see that the water isn't flowing as freely as it should, I take the sponges, wash them out in tank water (not in the tank but in water that comes from the tank) and put them back. On the week that I wash them, I don't do a water change and so far so good - I've not had any problems in the tank.
When I first got my juwel 180 tank I read the instructions and it said to change the filter sponge every 6 weeks or so. So I promptly threw the instructions away. They only tell you to change it to make more money I've had my sponges for over 3 years - same sponges. Every few months or so, when I can see that the water isn't flowing as freely as it should, I take the sponges, wash them out in tank water (not in the tank but in water that comes from the tank) and put them back. On the week that I wash them, I don't do a water change and so far so good - I've not had any problems in the tank.

I've had my Juwel sponges for 3 years and snails have nested in them (less of a problem now I've got chain loaches). I'm just about coming round to the idea that maybe, just maybe, I should replace one or two of them. But I don't want to go over the top - it's all money I could be spending on better things!
Are you asking about the Replaceable Bio-Bags with the Carbon in them or the Sponge that the Bacteria breeds/lives in? Two different parts of filter.
Ye i read the instructions and it says to change them every 6 weeks like u said. But mine are raggid and need a change after around 3 years of having them! :rolleyes:
snotirl said:
Ye i read the instructions and it says to change them every 6 weeks like u said. But mine are raggid and need a change after around 3 years of having them! :rolleyes:
I think when the sponges are falling apart or housing large quantities of wild snails maybe its time to think about replacing them.

The irony is that newbies tend not to replace their light bulbs often enough, but replace their filter inserts too often, when really they should do the opposite.
The irony is that newbies tend not to replace their light bulbs often enough, but replace their filter inserts too often, when really they should do the opposite.

JUSt like to sat that im not a newbie!! :no: :nod:
snotirl said:
The irony is that newbies tend not to replace their light bulbs often enough, but replace their filter inserts too often, when really they should do the opposite.

JUSt like to sat that im not a newbie!! :no: :nod:
That's why I said what I said. Changing your filter sponges once in 3 years is a sure sign you're not a newbie.
That's why I said what I said. Changing your filter sponges once in 3 years is a sure sign you're not a newbie

Oh sorry my fault read it wrong :*)

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