Filter Shrimp


Fish Gatherer
Jun 3, 2005
Reaction score
Tunbridge Wells
Does anyone know anything about these shrimp?

I saw some in a shop yesterday and they look very cool!

They have fan like bits on the claws to filter the water and are light blue.
Are you sure they are freshwater shrimp? I've seen some shrimp sort of like what you've described at my LFS but they were in the Reef section. -_-
100% sure, they had them in a tank with some african knife fish I think and the shop doesn't do any marine fish.
sounds like an giant african filter shrimp or cameroon armoured shrimp as they can be called , they filter tiny bits of food from the water which helps keep waste food down ,they are very shy and peaceful and need to be in a comunity tank, they can reach big lengths like 15 cm, but this does take a long long time. as long as you have a big enough tank with lots of hiding places and non aggressive bottom dwelling fish then go for it ,they wave their fan like hands all day and some out and scavenge st night

ps mine shed its skin today its gross ,but it means he is doing well and growing

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