Filter recommendation


New Member
Dec 21, 2004
Reaction score
Darwin, Australia
Hi All,

I was wondering what filter you would recommend for a small tank that is just over 3 gallons. Its currently got one betta in it however i'll eventually be moving him out and probably getting some tetras or something similar. I've not no real plants just silk.

Currently there is a small floss/carbon cartridge in the tank that is powered by a small airpump. It dosn't seem to generate any water flow within the tank so i really can't tell if its providing any benifits to the tank

Hi Josh,

Does the floss get dirty? If it does then it's working. Tetra's are schooling/shoaling fish and should be kept in groups of 5-6 or more so I don't think they're the best choice. Your current filter is probably the best you can do for your tank. You could always get a Whisper internal microfilter or a sponge filter but why not keep what you have? You might want to get 3-4 guppies for but you should probably keep either all males or all females as they breed fast and you don't have much room.

Hope this helps. Others will be along soon.
Tetras and other schooling fish are a no-go in such a small tank. :no: I would say 10 gallons is te smallest, seeing as how they need room ot swim around in (in order to breathe).

As long as the filter circulates and aerates the water, it should be ok.

Has your tank finished cycling?
Hi All,

Thanks for the quick response. This tank has finished cycling as ammonia and nitrite levels are 0 however nitrates do go up and down a bit. I just had a closer look at the filter and it has some specks of what could be old food in it so i'll just leave it then.

i'm starting to think i'll just go out and buy a bigger tank and leave the little one as a spare for sick fish or to just leave my betta in there..
If you can afford it, that would be wonderful! :thumbs:

It's always best to get the biggest tank you can afford and house, seeing as how it will make you feel better about the tank, you can have more fish (or bigger ones), the maintenance is less, and the water parameters don't change as drastically.

A quarantine tank would be a wonderful idea. :nod:
Small filters for a 3 gallon

something called a nano filter by red sea or something like that made to go with their "deco art" line... it hangs on the back of the tank and works like an aquaclear so if the tank has a hood or anything it has to have a cut out for it.
I have in both of my 2.5's whisper jr's... they take up a bunch of space but dont need much of a cut out for the hood.
duetto or something like that... makes a small filter. my mom runs one of these in her turtle tank.
I think that there is a tiny biowheel but it usually comes included in one of the 2 gal eclipse systems... I dont know if you can get it seperately

If your LFS doesnt have these then just check online.

The reason I like these is because they dont agitate the surface so much and allow happy bettas to build a bubble nest.
I have a duetto in my small tank. Its slim but functional.

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