Filter Questions


Fish Crazy
Oct 16, 2011
Reaction score
Voluntown, Connecticut (U.S.)
Whats a refugium? Also, how big of a sump on a 20gal would a salt tank need? I plan to design and make my own, id just like to know what size i should be looking at. I was thinking a 5gal bucket in a 10g reservoir would do nicely.

Also, is it absolutely nessecary to use a sump filter if im going fish only (no live rock yet, maybe eventually) or is it feasible to use a HOB?

Thanks a lot! i just really want to finalize my filtration plans and get started! The salty side is calling!! haha
i've not realy ever kept marine but i think a refugium is a chamber in the sump with coral and rock? i may be wrong, so please don't take my word for it :good: but one thing i do know is that you defineatly dont need a sump, for a tank your size, one or two canister filters would be fine.
Whats a refugium? Also, how big of a sump on a 20gal would a salt tank need?

A refugium in an area within a sump or a dedicated standalone tank that most often contains live sand and live rock that allow marine plants and macroalgae a safe haven to grow, with the usual grazers strictly forbidden. The macro algae are then allowed to further act as another filter for the system helping out your live rock and sand with the breakdown of the nitrogen cycle. Small micro life including brittlestars, copepods and others are given a home to multiply and develop, a way out of the reach of those predatory fish that love to feed on them. A refugium containing a deep sand bed (DSB) should not be subject to any physical disruption while it is still connected to the main system as a sudden release of hydrogen sulphide will poison your precious livestock. The refugium allows for a complete natural filtration and breeding ground for micro life. An undisturbed refugium, which is given time to develop and grow can easily become just as fascinating to watch as the main display aquarium in which it serves. A Refugium should be around 10-25% the size of the main tank. So on a 20g tank, 2-5g.
Other than live rock/sand, how can one effectively filter the system i have mentioned?

Other than live rock, live sand and Macro Algae's the only other way in large water changes every couple of days. Im talking like 75-90% every two days.
hmmmm next question, maybe a dumb question, can live rock be made or must it be bought?

Yes live rock can be made but it can take years for it to mature. It isnt hard find cheap live rock for sale.
Thank you so much for all the answers! Last question, i swear! How much flow is required for LR? is there a rule? like 5gph per gallon of water or anything like that? and how much LR per gallon? sorry i know, 2 questions
Thank you so much for all the answers! Last question, i swear! How much flow is required for LR? is there a rule? like 5gph per gallon of water or anything like that?

In a marine system we aim for 20x turnover per hour

and how much LR per gallon? sorry i know, 2 questions

How big is the tank?

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