Filter question


New Member
Aug 31, 2003
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Hey guys. I have a 29 gallon starter that I bought from petsmart about 2 months ago. It has the standard filter that is doing great, it is the ones with the waterfall thing. But I just got a 20 gallon tank with absolutely nothing but the tank. I was wondering, I saw this filter on Ebay it is a "Penguin 125 Bio-Wheel aquarium filter, good for up to 30 gallons." I was wondering if I should put this new filter in the 29 gallon, and change the original filter to my smaller 20 gallon tank. Also, If I put the bio-wheel filter in my 29 gallon, since the filter only goes up to 30 gallons would my water quality not be very good because it is calling it so close?
Thanks for all of your help, and any questions u can email me or IM me at
Hi Taylorm. Welcome to the forum. :)

Not sure what your other filter is but the Penguin 125 Bio-Wheel would be sufficient for your 29g.

If your other one is a standard HOB without a bio-wheel I would look into getting one sometime. :)

It's 125gph and you want a filter to turn your tank over at least 4 times an hour. Plus it's a bio-wheel which is great.

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