filter question


Fish Crazy
Feb 2, 2005
Reaction score
sf bay area
i have a question for you betta lovers. i have a 2.5g minibow that came with a tall whisper filter. i don't like the filter, though, because my 2 adf's tend to get stuck to the bottom of the filter and calico, my vt, also has problems negotiating through the current. i know i can slow the filter to a trickle but then the water tends to get a little cloudy. so, my ? is, what, if any, other filter would you all recommend for this small of a tank? thanks! :D
-_- I used the same set up but then decided not to use the filters. I opt'd for water changes instead. I found that my betta liked the current. I slowed it down as much as I could and put plenty of things around the tank for him to get behind for protection against the current. When I shut it off, the betta would rush over to the spot and act very upset.
The minibow 2.5 is adjustable; did you look on the back of the filter? You can decrease the current dramatically :nod:
She knows. She said when she turns it down the water gets cloudy. I have the 2.5 minibow and also didn't like the filter so I opted for the duetto 50 I think made my marineland.Don't quote me on that though. It's a fully submersible 3 stage adjustable flow filter and works great. Water stays crystal clear even with the flow turned down to a trickle. I use them in my 2.5 and 5 gal tanks. HTH!
Ooops; reading too fast. Sometimes you can adjust them to a 'middle' speed instead of the highest or lowest and cloudiness isn't usually a problem. However, if it still is, those little disposable filters also work well.

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