Filter Problems


Fish Fanatic
Jun 18, 2004
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I have a 10 gallon tank with an "Aquaclear Mini" filter and I've had about 4 fish get stuck to the filter and die in the last 5 months.

Two dwarf gouramies were found dead and stuck to the filter (possibly died before they got stuck though). A few weeks ago one of my zebra danios was stuck to the filter and missing his another zebra danio was stuck to the filter and dead.

I thought this filter was designed for a 10 gallon tank, but I am not sure what my problem is.

Any help?
If you need any more info just ask, I'll try to find the answers.

Are they really small fish? If so, perhaps they can't swim against the pull of the filter. When I had fry in a tank, I used to cut a piece of panyhose to fit over the intake. Attach it with a rubber band and keep it on until the fish are big enough to swim past the flow.

The other thing might be that they have died for some other reason and the body just got sucked to the intake after death. Might not be the filter at all.
i had a sick fish die then get stuck to the filter, so that definitely is an option.

check ur manual for the filter. some filters are adjustable, so there won't be as much intake power.

going simpler - what are your water parameters? what fish do you (or did you) have in the tank?
yeahh..adjust the water intake especially if the fishes that u have are very tiny
Thanks, I turned down the intake to the minimum amount for now.

Hopefully the other little zebra danio's make it.
oh, like what noelberg wrote, also be aware of your water paramaters... This is the first thing that you should check to make sure there are no other problems or causes of fish dying

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