If you have a larger filter with multi stage filtration with dedicated media for both mechanical and filtration then you will be fine rinsing the mechanical media under the tap.
This is fair enough, I guess I just ere on the side of caution. I do occasionally thougherly wash the fine sponge in tap water to get it really clean.
well i feed them once in the morning before i go to school, and once in the evening when i return from school they seem to eat it all but im not so sure. Well our filter has a sponge like thing around the inside and inside of that theres a thing u put charcoal into, so we change the sponge like thing and replace the charcoal, and that seems to do the job, and after we do that i put those little things u squeeze in a few drops to keep the water safe i guess? it comes. But do you know if i should add things to the water after i change the filter? or am i doing it wrong?
I would be wary about changing the sponge and charcoal because good bacteria live in your filter which help stop the water becoming poisonous for your fish. You can get things to put inside your filter (like bioballs etc)that stay there and don't need replacing very often at all and then the good bacteria can stay living on this. also you can squeeze out your sponge in tank water instead of replacing it, untill it gets too gunked up then replace it.
The fish should eat all the food you give them fairly quickly (in a few minutes I think) so if there is still plenty of food after 5 minutes it might be too much.
lastly IMO you could do with another filter as well as the one you have so you can turn the water over about 4 or more times an hour, so your 350gph and at least another 150gph or another 350gph would be good.
I hope this helps.